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Conflicting slider with Multiple Sprite Drag behavior, help!!!!! bua!!

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Jul 16, 2005
Hello everybody, I've been trying to solve a problem that at the beginnig looked simple, but after several hours of sleepless night, I've been becoming desperate and at the edge of a mental breakdown. I notice that the solution may not be simple, because I've posted in many forums and the answer have not been precisely clear.

The problem is this one, I have a slider which works fine until in all of its components the bevahoir MULTIPLE SPRITE DRAG is applied, now this behavior must be applied because I need to move the slider along with several members. But after the behavior is applied, the slider loose its functionality because when you want to move it, it drags all the members in the group. What can do in order to make the slider to keep working independently, but at the same to be "dragable" along with the group. I've already tried several things, including some weirds, and the only one that seems to work, but still needs some tweaks, is an idea from someone in a forum that recommend me to apply this small behavior in the pointer of the slider:

on mouseDown me
sendSprite sliderSpriteNum, #beginSprite

This works fine until you release the slider and click anywhere outside of it, and then when you try to move it again the maximum value for the position is changed for the last place the pointer was, that is to say, if you move the slider from 100 to 80 and release, click outside, try to move the slider again, it can not go up to 100 again, the maximum value, as possition, will be 80...and so on, and on. And if you move the slider to 0, it will give an error saying that it can not divide by 0. I guess this one is related with this part of the code of the slider:

x = the mouseH - pBounds.left
sliderRange = pBounds.right-pBounds.left
pos = float(x)/sliderRange

Well, I hope there is someone here who is willing to help me in this...now is almost a crusade, and I'm running out of time to finish the project currently I'm working on.

Suggestion, comments, help, whatever, will be highly appreciate it. I'm sending the code of the slider so you may have an idea of it. The code controls, the pointer, the shadow of the slider and text.

Thanks in advance.

property pPressed -- whether the sprite is being pressed
property pBounds -- the rect of the shadow sprite at start
property pShadowSprite -- the number of the shadow sprite
property pTextSprite -- the number of the text sprite
property pMinimumValue, pMaximumValue -- used by the marker sprite only
property pValue -- actual value of the slider

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
list = [:]
addProp list, #pShadowSprite, [#comment: "Shadow Sprite",\
#format: #integer, #default: 0]
addProp list, #pTextSprite, [#comment: "Text Sprite",\
#format: #integer, #default: 0]
addProp list, #pMinimumValue, [#comment: "Minimum Value",\
#format: #integer, #default: 0]
addProp list, #pMaximumValue, [#comment: "Maximum Value",\
#format: #integer, #default: 100]
addProp list, #pValue, [#comment: "Start Value",\
#format: #integer, #default: 100]
return list

on beginSprite me
pBounds = sprite(pShadowSprite).rect

on mouseDown me
pPressed = TRUE

on mouseUp me
pPressed = FALSE

on mouseUpOutside me
pPressed = FALSE

on exitFrame me
if pPressed then
end if

-- this handler takes the mouse position and figures the
-- value of the slider
on moveMarker me
-- compute the position as a number between 0 and 1
x = the mouseH - pBounds.left
sliderRange = pBounds.right-pBounds.left
pos = float(x)/sliderRange

-- translate to a value
valueRange = pMaximumValue - pMinimumValue
pValue = pos*valueRange + pMinimumValue
pValue = integer(pValue)

-- check to make sure it is within bounds
if pValue > pMaximumValue then
pValue = pMaximumValue
else if pValue < pMinimumValue then
pValue = pMinimumValue
end if

-- this handler moves the marker one value left or right
on moveMarkerOne me, direction
if direction = #left then
pValue = pValue - 1
else if direction = #right then
pValue = pValue + 1
end if

-- check to make sure it is within bounds
if pValue > pMaximumValue then
pValue = pMaximumValue
else if pValue < pMinimumValue then
pValue = pMinimumValue
end if


-- this sets the marker sprite
on setMarker me
-- compute the value as a number between 0 and 1
valueRange = pMaximumValue - pMinimumValue
sliderPos = float(pValue)/float(valueRange)

-- translate to a screen position
sliderRange = pBounds.right-pBounds.left
x = sliderPos*sliderRange + pBounds.left

-- set marker
sprite(me.spriteNum).locH = x

-- this handler lets the marker sprite set the shadow sprite
on setShadow me
x = (sprite me.spriteNum).locH
r = rect(pBounds.left, pBounds.top, x, pBounds.bottom)
sprite(pShadowSprite).rect = r

-- this handler sets the text of the text sprite
on setText me
if pTextSprite <> 0 then -- is there a text sprite?
sprite(pTextSprite).member.text = string(pValue)
end if

-- this handler returns the value of the slider
on getValue me
return pValue
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