I tried to write a macro at the beginning at the pcl file in order to print an overlay on each page of my document.
When I open my pcl file with a viewer, all seem to be Ok.
When I print by the way of my viewer, all is ok too.
When I try to print my pcl file with dos command print
(dos windows or start/run print /D:\\my printer\printer c:\fil.pcl)
the file is printed without overlay
Here is my code placed just at the beginning of the pcl file just after the pjl header.
E&f32000Y&f0X*p300x600YXavier ** 11/07/2001&f1X&f10X&f32000y4X
I tried the test on different printers PCL5
thank's to give me a fix for that.
sorry for my poor english
I tried to write a macro at the beginning at the pcl file in order to print an overlay on each page of my document.
When I open my pcl file with a viewer, all seem to be Ok.
When I print by the way of my viewer, all is ok too.
When I try to print my pcl file with dos command print
(dos windows or start/run print /D:\\my printer\printer c:\fil.pcl)
the file is printed without overlay
Here is my code placed just at the beginning of the pcl file just after the pjl header.
E&f32000Y&f0X*p300x600YXavier ** 11/07/2001&f1X&f10X&f32000y4X
I tried the test on different printers PCL5
thank's to give me a fix for that.
sorry for my poor english