This is Sanjay here. I have a question on MTS(COM+ IN WIN2K).I hope you will respond soon.
Is it possible that in web-based environment ,if MTS holds a one instance of COM component,then same instance can be used by all the clients.
For example :
I have a COM Component installed on COM+ Server in Win-2000.
I need to access this component from 2 different ASP Pages.
But What I want to achieve is that once a instance of this component(in MTS) is created,it should be there in the MTS memory and this instance can be used by all ASP pages.
If I use in my ASP pages
set obj = server.createobject("myproj.myclass"
to create instance of the COM component in MTS ,then different instances of this component will be created ,which i don't want to have.I just want once instance of the COM component to be used in all ASP pages.Is it possible?
If possible how to get the reference to the COM component in MTS using ASP.
I will appreicate your help.
This is Sanjay here. I have a question on MTS(COM+ IN WIN2K).I hope you will respond soon.
Is it possible that in web-based environment ,if MTS holds a one instance of COM component,then same instance can be used by all the clients.
For example :
I have a COM Component installed on COM+ Server in Win-2000.
I need to access this component from 2 different ASP Pages.
But What I want to achieve is that once a instance of this component(in MTS) is created,it should be there in the MTS memory and this instance can be used by all ASP pages.
If I use in my ASP pages
set obj = server.createobject("myproj.myclass"
to create instance of the COM component in MTS ,then different instances of this component will be created ,which i don't want to have.I just want once instance of the COM component to be used in all ASP pages.Is it possible?
If possible how to get the reference to the COM component in MTS using ASP.
I will appreicate your help.