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Call Pilot 100 "bricked"?

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Apr 29, 2015
I have an used Call Pilot 100 with Rev 3.0 software. It has been unplugged for at least 18 months. The CICS shows in maintenance that a STK1 is in IDLE on this port, but I can't get into the CP100. I've tried Feature: 983, 901, 9*1, 903 and 9*3. Every feature entry shows "inactive feature" except 901 that just returns to time & date.
The power supply is good as I used the one from the CP 100 on my test bench. Also the correct lights are on.
When the CP is booting up you will see the LED's going through their sequence such as the port ones alternating on/off rapidly.
After a few minutes you should see the two LED's on the left eventually go solid then the middle LED on the right will go solid, then it's ready.

It might be possible the CP was assigned other codes.
You can check feature codes for vmail using F9*1 and F**XFTEST to remove vmail codes (then reboot the CP to get the normal codes reassigned back)

The 100 uses two ports so make sure both are connected to the KSU.


Toronto, Canada

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F**XFTEST allows me to test if the codes are working. Each code says "OK" and gives a hex addrress. Yet, any feature code I try just goes back to date & time. I do not see how to remove codes and re-start to put normal.
Removed the codes and re-plugged the CP100. Same thing. Feature 9*1 returns to time & date. All other feature codes say "inactive feature"
I think the PCMCIA card is corrupt. Any thoughts out there?
Yes, if you carry 3.1 software you can upgrade the existing card to 3.1 as well using the front slot....since it overwrites the system files (not the clients data) it will sometimes clear corruption.

Hooking up a laptop to the serial port using hyperterm or putty etc will tell a story too.
Watch the boot up and make sure it says System Ready (or was it Core Ready?) at the end of the boot.

What version is your CICS?
The chart states you need KSU to be at 7.0 or 7.1 for CP 3.0 or 3.1 to be compatible.
If the CICS is 4.1 to 6.1 then any version of CP works.
If the CICS is 4.0 or lower then Call pilot is not supported.


Toronto, Canada

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