I am writing a program that utilizes CDO to send e-mails with attachments. All is well except for when the e-mail is delivered, and the user double-clicks it to view/save, Outlook returns what appears to be the filename it uses in the \windows\temp\ directory. (Example: attC1D4.TMP). <br><br>When simply viewing the e-mail without opening the attachment, the attachment names are what they are supposed to be. (Example: address.txt)<br><br>I have included the section of CDO code I am using to send these e-mails<br><br>Thanx for the help<br><br>----------------------------------------------<br>With objMessage<br> .Subject = tSubject<br> .Text = tBody<br> Set objAttach = .Attachments.Add<br> With objAttach <br> .Type = CdoFileData<br> .Position = -1<br> .Name = "c:\address.txt"<br> .ReadFromFile "c:\address.txt"<br> .Name = "address.txt"<br> objMessage.Update<br> End With <br>End With<br>