Hi all
I am re-designing our postal address management database and am required to store information about companies and individuals.
These individuals may be joe public i.e not linked to a company or they may be contacts within a company.
I need to design a flexible, normalised database to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency. Unfortunately, Im a bit stuck.
Does anyone know a good site that has a model or tutorial I can look at ?
Here's where I got to:
AddressLine1, AddressLine2...AddressLine5, PostCode, DXLoc, DXNum,BATel1, BATel2, BAFax, BAEmail, BAWebsite
**DeptTel1, DeptTel2, DeptFax, DeptEamil, DeptWebsite
DXLoc, DxNum
** These can be left null/empty to indicate that the BaseAddress details are to be used. This way I can store seperate contact details for each department and still have 1 for the business e.g. the BATel1 could be reception.
Title, FName, SName, DPID**/BAID
** only required if the person is in a dept in a co. Not for individuals. Lost the plot on wether joe public should be linked directly to base address or if I am creating redundancy for myself.
HomeTel, OfficeTel, MobileTel, Pager, Email, Website. Missy Ed - Bolton, UK
I am re-designing our postal address management database and am required to store information about companies and individuals.
These individuals may be joe public i.e not linked to a company or they may be contacts within a company.
I need to design a flexible, normalised database to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency. Unfortunately, Im a bit stuck.
Does anyone know a good site that has a model or tutorial I can look at ?
Here's where I got to:
AddressLine1, AddressLine2...AddressLine5, PostCode, DXLoc, DXNum,BATel1, BATel2, BAFax, BAEmail, BAWebsite
**DeptTel1, DeptTel2, DeptFax, DeptEamil, DeptWebsite
DXLoc, DxNum
** These can be left null/empty to indicate that the BaseAddress details are to be used. This way I can store seperate contact details for each department and still have 1 for the business e.g. the BATel1 could be reception.
Title, FName, SName, DPID**/BAID
** only required if the person is in a dept in a co. Not for individuals. Lost the plot on wether joe public should be linked directly to base address or if I am creating redundancy for myself.
HomeTel, OfficeTel, MobileTel, Pager, Email, Website. Missy Ed - Bolton, UK