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Norstar help


Technical User
Jan 12, 2025
Hello everyone

I'm a business owner who is using a Norstar Modular ICS ( not sure on the correct model #, if it's needed to help me, please let me know where to find it)
and a call pilot 100.

For the last few years I have done my own programming on it but I'm no expert.

Up till now we only had 2 lines into it and because we needed more and didn't want to pay an atrocious for wired lines we opted to go with a ZTE MF279T smarthub to provide more.

A smarthub is used to provide internet and phone service of a cell signal.

My three main problem's with the smarthub's are.....

1) If someone phones into the system on these hub's and dial's an extension and no one would answer and this person would hang up, the system itself will not hang up
it will keep the line busy and eventually will leave a message somewhere consisting of a busy signal.

2) A lot of times if someone dial's into the system on these hub's and tries to enter an extension, the system will say this is an invalid extension or that command is not recognized.

3) Sometimes if you dial out on these hub's and get an automated phone system and try to enter an extension your command's don't seem to be recognized for what they are.

I know of at least one other business owner who is using the same setup, just with a Toshiba or a Panasonic system and it's working very well for him so I'm not sure if it's the Nortel system,
cell service issue or something else.

My question is, is there anything in programming I could change to fix this or is there something else I could look at.

Any help is appreciated
1st problem sounds ,like you didn't program Supervision for those added lines.
3rd problem might be that line(s) were set to Pulse, not Tone...
I would agree with MooreTel and check if Supervision is turned on in "lines" or possibly your device itself doesn't offer disconnect supervision which is required for the Norstar to know to hang up the line after the call has ended.
But the second issue is a little more difficult. It was a fairly common problem back in the day when the Norstar voicemail was connected to gateway trunks ie. Spectrum, Comcast modems providing the dial tone. The voicemail system does not get good enough DTMF sent from the modem/gateway and ignores the digits being dialed. I am not sure if you can change settings in your Smart Hub device but if not, I don't believe you will be able to resolve your issue. I know when I had the issue in the past I could call Spectrum and they had a script they could upload to the modem that would fix the issue, not sure if you have a support person you could ask with the smart hub
1st problem sounds ,like you didn't program Supervision for those added lines.
3rd problem might be that line(s) were set to Pulse, not Tone...
Trunk mode is set to super.
Is that what you mean with supervision turned on?

I have 8 lines coming into this system now.
3 are wired
5 are with smart hubs
I have connected the hubs to ports where the lines were connected and the problems seem to be following the the hubs.
Also, all lines dial mode is set to tone not to pulse.
I would agree with MooreTel and check if Supervision is turned on in "lines" or possibly your device itself doesn't offer disconnect supervision which is required for the Norstar to know to hang up the line after the call has ended.
But the second issue is a little more difficult. It was a fairly common problem back in the day when the Norstar voicemail was connected to gateway trunks ie. Spectrum, Comcast modems providing the dial tone. The voicemail system does not get good enough DTMF sent from the modem/gateway and ignores the digits being dialed. I am not sure if you can change settings in your Smart Hub device but if not, I don't believe you will be able to resolve your issue. I know when I had the issue in the past I could call Spectrum and they had a script they could upload to the modem that would fix the issue, not sure if you have a support person you could ask with the smart hub
First of thanks for the reply

As far as changing settings is concerned, I can log onto the hubs dashboard and change things but I am not sure what to change.
Where would I start?
I have talked with ZTE but I wasn't sure which questions to ask so it wasn,t very productive.
Is it possible that if I had better cell service this issue would correct itself.
We are considering adding a cell booster to get better cell service to these things.
The voicemail system does not get good enough DTMF sent from the modem/gateway and ignores the digits being dialed. I am not sure if you can change settings in your Smart Hub device but if not, I don't believe you will be able to resolve your issue. I know when I had the issue in the past I could call Spectrum and they had a script they could upload to the modem that would fix the issue, not sure if you have a support person you could ask with the smart hub
Are you saying I would have to upload something onto the Smart hub to fix this issue.
My friends panasonic system, with all settings in the smarthub exactly the same, works wonderfully.
Is it because his system gets better DTMF or doesn't need as good a DTMF to work?

Thank you.
A better subject would be Norstar - Line issues so we know off that bat to look or not.

What NT numbers are on the line cards?
Maybe swapping for older or newer might help, or changing the CO settings in programming.
Look right at the cards for the NT #'s, at the bottom.
Older vintage cars will stick out an inch.

Here is a search of the Norstar forum about DTMF issues, I added short and long because usually that's what we will respond with:

Under "Lines"/001 etc you will see:
Line Tuning (maybe, could be BCM only)

There is also a setting under Hardware/Line Card X, something like that, somebody will chime in, I need to go.
Look right at the cards for the NT #'s, at the bottom.
Older vintage cars will stick out an inch.

Here is a search of the Norstar forum about DTMF issues, I added short and long because usually that's what we will respond with:

Search results for query: DTMF short long
Under "Lines"/001 etc you will see:
Line Tuning (maybe, could be BCM only)
Here are the number's of the card's

REL 02B MFG 970626

REL02 MFG 961010

Here are the setting's under Lines/Trunk line data

Trunk type: Loop
Line type: Pool A
Dial mode: Tone
Prime set: 160
Distinct ring: Y
Auto privacy: Y
Trunk mode: super
Ans mode:Manual
Link at CO: No
Aux ring: No
Full Auto hold: No
Loss Package: ShortCO

There are two more paths I can take in Lines / Restrictions and Telco feature's not sure if they are relevant.

There is also a setting under Hardware/Line Card X, something like that, somebody will chime in, I need to go.
Not quite sure what you mean with this.

After looking through the threads on DTMF it seem's like cell's provide a short burst on default and this is a cellular device.
Do I talk to my service provider about changing that or is that found on the device.

Thank you for your time.
Sure, call the carrier....certain wouldn't hurt.

But if they cannot fix the issue...

-What software version card is in the MICS? Go to Maintenance then System Version & not the first 2 letters after "30" then see https://www.tek-tips.com/forums/799/faqs/6693 to get your version (X.X)

-What software version is the Callpilot?

"Loss Package: ShortCO"
-I think the default is MediumCO, but look at the installer guide as it has a chart with 5 options to play with.

"NNTM0409ZLV1 <-------- this is a serial #
NT5B41GA-93 < -----------this is the part #
REL 02B MFG 970626?

NT5B41GA-93 is the old CLID (CII) Card that stick out an inch
Maybe order a couple NT7B75AAAG (or J) cards and try them out.
There was a few NT7B75AAA? cards made, but the one ending with G solved another issue for me and there is the latest which is J.
Note that is is reported the cards you have already have help fixed DTMF issues, it has also fixed an issue for me, Bell converted the site to fibre using Bell's 1000 Hub, the phones would not ring, flash only, so I tried almost every card model possible and the old NT5B41GA was the fix to make the phone rings ( a tad more voltage).
So, trying newer cards may or may not work.

Disregard these that I mentioned:
-Hardware/Line Card X
-Line Tuning
Sure, call the carrier....certain wouldn't hurt.

But if they cannot fix the issue...

-What software version card is in the MICS? Go to Maintenance then System Version & not the first 2 letters after "30" then see https://www.tek-tips.com/forums/799/faqs/6693 to get your version (X.X)

-What software version is the Callpilot?

"Loss Package: ShortCO"
-I think the default is MediumCO, but look at the installer guide as it has a chart with 5 options to play with.

"NNTM0409ZLV1 <-------- this is a serial #
NT5B41GA-93 < -----------this is the part #
REL 02B MFG 970626?

NT5B41GA-93 is the old CLID (CII) Card that stick out an inch
Maybe order a couple NT7B75AAAG (or J) cards and try them out.
There was a few NT7B75AAA? cards made, but the one ending with G solved another issue for me and there is the latest which is J.
Note that is is reported the cards you have already have help fixed DTMF issues, it has also fixed an issue for me, Bell converted the site to fibre using Bell's 1000 Hub, the phones would not ring, flash only, so I tried almost every card model possible and the old NT5B41GA was the fix to make the phone rings ( a tad more voltage).
So, trying newer cards may or may not work.

Disregard these that I mentioned:
-Hardware/Line Card X
-Line Tuning
First of, I called the carrier, they are still looking into it for me.
Second, I did check the seetting's on the device but none of them deal with DTMF so there is nothing I can do there.
Third, I did play around with changing the loss package setting but it didn't seem to help.

Software version on the MICS is 30CQG10
How do I know which software version the callpilot has?

If I google NT7B75AAAG the numbers AAAC AAAE AAAF AAAG cover one card.
Would that be the correct card?

If I can't solve my issue one of the guy's suggested I go with a ATA versus these hub's.
Do you have any experience using one with a nortel system?
Would I be having the same issues as I am having with these hub's?

Thank you for your time.
"MICS is 30CQG10"
The link I gave you to then translate show you have MICS 6.1 software....which should not have any issues.

"How do I know which software version the callpilot has?"
Via telset: log in, then press 9
Via browser: Configuration/System Properties

"If I google NT7B75AAAG the numbers AAAC AAAE AAAF AAAG cover one card.
Would that be the correct card?"

I do not understand the question, but you posted 4 different part #'s (cards)....which does include the "G" version I mentioned.
Don't forget about the "J" version which I think was the latest.
See here: NT7B75AAAJ

"If I can't solve my issue one of the guy's suggested I go with a ATA versus these hub's.
Do you have any experience using one with a nortel system?
Would I be having the same issues as I am having with these hub's?"

More questions on that other topic should be answered in that other thread to keep the two topics "troubleshooting current issue" and "inquiry into a gateway/other" separate, so I shall reply there as I have what jsaad noted.
Waiting on this still...

"How do I know which software version the callpilot has?"
Via telset: log in, then press 9
Via browser: Configuration/System Properties
Waiting on this still...

"How do I know which software version the callpilot has?"
Via telset: log in, then press 9
Via browser: Configuration/System Properties
Call pilot software version is CP
I did write out but forgot to post reply.

That we call 3.0
3.1 (31.XX...) was the last one.
2.0 or maybe 2.5 had DTMF issues and had a DSP patch to fix it until next version came out so your ok with 3.0

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