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MP3 info with VB?

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May 20, 1999
Does anyone know how to get information like bitrate, sampling frequency and track length from an mp3 using VB?<br>
Private Sub Form_Load()<br>
Dim fNum As Integer<br>
Dim sTagIdent As String * 3<br>
Dim sTitle As String * 30<br>
Dim sArtist As String * 30<br>
Dim sAlbum As String * 30<br>
Dim sYear As String * 4<br>
Dim sComment As String * 30<br>
fNum = FreeFile<br>
Open &quot;c:\MediaFiles\Elvis.mp3&quot; For Binary As fNum<br>
Seek #fNum, LOF(fNum) - 127<br>
Get #fNum, , sTagIdent<br>
If sTagIdent = &quot;TAG&quot; Then<br>
Get #fNum, , sTitle<br>
Get #fNum, , sArtist<br>
Get #fNum, , sAlbum<br>
Get #fNum, , sYear<br>
Get #fNum, , sComment<br>
End If<br>
Close #fNum<br>
MsgBox sTitle & &quot;,&quot; & sArtist & &quot;,&quot; & sAlbum & &quot;,&quot; & sYear & &quot;,&quot; & sComment<br>
End Sub<br>
<p>Eric De Decker<br><a href=mailto:vbg.be@vbgroup.nl>vbg.be@vbgroup.nl</a><br><a href= Basic Center</a><br>
Thanks for the code Eric, but that looks like just mp3 tag info. I was looking for the track length, for example xxx.mp3 plays for 3:45, and the bitrate which is generally 128k and the frequency which is 44khz. Similar to what winamp shows. I believe that the track length is somehow based on the bitrate. but I don't know how to get the bit rate.<br>

Type MP3Info<br>
Bitrate As Integer<br>
Frequency As Long<br>
Mode As String<br>
Emphasis As String<br>
'ModeExtension As String<br>
MpegVersion As Integer<br>
MpegLayer As Integer<br>
Padding As String<br>
CRC As String<br>
Duration As Long<br>
CopyRight As String<br>
Original As String<br>
PrivateBit As String<br>
HasTag As Boolean<br>
Tag As String<br>
Songname As String<br>
Artist As String<br>
Album As String<br>
Year As String<br>
Comment As String<br>
Genre As Integer<br>
Track As String<br>
VBR As Boolean<br>
Frames As Integer<br>
End Type<br>
Public GetMP3Info As MP3Info<br>
Public Function BinaryHeader(filename As String, ReadTag As Boolean, ReadHeader As Boolean) As String<br>
Dim ByteArray(4) As Byte<br>
Dim XingH As String * 4<br>
FIO% = FreeFile<br>
Open filename For Binary Access Read As FIO%<br>
n& = LOF(FIO%): If n& &lt; 256 Then Close FIO%: Return 'ny<br>
If ReadHeader = False Then GoTo 5: 'if we only want to read the IDtag goto 5<br>
Dim x As Byte<br>
'''''start check startposition for header''''''''''''<br>
'''''if start position &lt;&gt;1 then id3v2 tag exists'''''<br>
For i = 1 To 5000 'check up to 5000 bytes for the header<br>
Get #FIO%, i, x<br>
If x = 255 Then 'header always start with 255 followed by 250 or 251<br>
Get #FIO%, i + 1, x<br>
If x &gt; 249 And x &lt; 252 Then<br>
Headstart = i 'set header start position<br>
Exit For<br>
End If<br>
End If<br>
Next i<br>
'''end check start position for header'''''''''''''<br>
''start check for XingHeader'''<br>
Get #1, Headstart + 36, XingH<br>
If XingH = &quot;Xing&quot; Then<br>
GetMP3Info.VBR = True<br>
For Z = 1 To 4 '<br>
Get #1, Headstart + 43 + Z, ByteArray(Z) 'get framelength to array<br>
Next Z<br>
Frames = BinToDec(ByteToBit(ByteArray)) 'calculate # of frames<br>
GetMP3Info.Frames = Frames 'set frames<br>
Else: GetMP3Info.VBR = False<br>
End If<br>
'''end check for XingHeader<br>
'''start extract the first 4 bytes (32 bits) to an array<br>
For Z = 1 To 4 '<br>
Get #1, Headstart + Z - 1, ByteArray(Z)<br>
Next Z<br>
'''stop extract the first 4 bytes (32 bits) to an array<br>
If ReadTag = False Then GoTo 10 'if we dont want to read the tag goto 10<br>
''''start id3 tag''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<br>
Dim Inbuf As String * 256<br>
Get #FIO%, (n& - 255), Inbuf: Close FIO% 'ny<br>
p = InStr(1, Inbuf, &quot;tag&quot;, 1) 'ny<br>
If p = 0 Then<br>
With GetMP3Info<br>
.HasTag = False<br>
.Songname = &quot;&quot;<br>
.Artist = &quot;&quot;<br>
.Album = &quot;&quot;<br>
.Year = &quot;&quot;<br>
.Comment = &quot;&quot;<br>
.Track = &quot;&quot;<br>
.Genre = 255<br>
End With<br>
With GetMP3Info<br>
.HasTag = True<br>
.Songname = RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 3, 30))<br>
.Artist = RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 33, 30))<br>
.Album = RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 63, 30))<br>
.Year = RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 93, 4))<br>
.Comment = RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 97, 29))<br>
.Track = RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 126, 1))<br>
.Genre = Asc(RTrim(Mid$(Inbuf, p + 127, 1)))<br>
End With<br>
End If<br>
''''stop id3 tag''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<br>
Close FIO%<br>
BinaryHeader = ByteToBit(ByteArray)<br>
End Function<br>
''this function converts Binary string to decimal integer<br>
Public Function BinToDec(BinValue As String) As Long<br>
BinToDec = 0<br>
For i = 1 To Len(BinValue)<br>
If Mid(BinValue, i, 1) = 1 Then<br>
BinToDec = BinToDec + 2 ^ (Len(BinValue) - i)<br>
End If<br>
Next i<br>
End Function<br>
Public Function ByteToBit(ByteArray) As String<br>
'convert 4*1 byte array to 4*8 bits'''''<br>
ByteToBit = &quot;&quot;<br>
For Z = 1 To 4<br>
For i = 7 To 0 Step -1<br>
If Int(ByteArray(Z) / (2 ^ i)) = 1 Then<br>
ByteToBit = ByteToBit & &quot;1&quot;<br>
ByteArray(Z) = ByteArray(Z) - (2 ^ i)<br>
If ByteToBit &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then<br>
ByteToBit = ByteToBit & &quot;0&quot;<br>
End If<br>
End If<br>
Next Z<br>
End Function<br>
Public Function GenreText(Index As Integer) As String<br>
Matrix = Array(&quot;Blues&quot;, &quot;Classic Rock&quot;, &quot;Country&quot;, &quot;Dance&quot;, &quot;Disco&quot;, &quot;Funk&quot;, &quot;Grunge&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Hip -Hop&quot;, &quot;Jazz&quot;, &quot;Metal&quot;, &quot;New Age&quot;, &quot;Oldies&quot;, &quot;Other&quot;, &quot;Pop&quot;, &quot;R&b&quot;, &quot;Rap&quot;, &quot;Reggae&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Rock&quot;, &quot;Techno&quot;, &quot;Industrial&quot;, &quot;Alternative&quot;, &quot;Ska&quot;, &quot;Death Metal&quot;, &quot;Pranks&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Soundtrack&quot;, &quot;Euro -Techno&quot;, &quot;Ambient&quot;, &quot;Trip -Hop&quot;, &quot;Vocal&quot;, &quot;Jazz Funk&quot;, &quot;Fusion&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Trance&quot;, &quot;Classical&quot;, &quot;Instrumental&quot;, &quot;Acid&quot;, &quot;House&quot;, &quot;Game&quot;, &quot;Sound Clip&quot;, &quot;Gospel&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Noise&quot;, &quot;AlternRock&quot;, &quot;Bass&quot;, &quot;Soul&quot;, &quot;Punk&quot;, &quot;Space&quot;, &quot;Meditative&quot;, &quot;Instrumental Pop&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Instrumental Rock&quot;, &quot;Ethnic&quot;, &quot;Gothic&quot;, &quot;Darkwave&quot;, &quot;Techno -Industrial&quot;, &quot;Electronic&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Pop -Folk&quot;, &quot;Eurodance&quot;, &quot;Dream&quot;, &quot;Southern Rock&quot;, &quot;Comedy&quot;, &quot;Cult&quot;, &quot;Gangsta&quot;, &quot;Top 40&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Christian Rap&quot;, &quot;Pop/Funk&quot;, &quot;Jungle&quot;, &quot;Native American&quot;, &quot;Cabaret&quot;, &quot;New Wave&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Psychadelic&quot;, &quot;Rave&quot;, &quot;Showtunes&quot;, &quot;Trailer&quot;, &quot;Lo -Fi&quot;, &quot;Tribal&quot;, &quot;Acid Punk&quot;, &quot;Acid Jazz&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Polka&quot;, &quot;Retro&quot;, &quot;Musical&quot;, &quot;Rock & Roll&quot;, &quot;Hard Rock&quot;, &quot;Folk&quot;, &quot;Folk/Rock&quot;, &quot;National Folk&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Swing&quot;, &quot;Bebob&quot;, &quot;Latin&quot;, &quot;Revival&quot;, &quot;Celtic&quot;, &quot;Bluegrass&quot;, &quot;Avantgarde&quot;, &quot;Gothic Rock&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Progressive Rock&quot;, &quot;Psychedelic Rock&quot;, &quot;Symphonic Rock&quot;, &quot;Slow Rock&quot;, &quot;Big Band&quot;, &quot;Chorus&quot;, &quot;Easy Listening&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Acoustic&quot;, &quot;Humour&quot;, &quot;Speech&quot;, &quot;Chanson&quot;, &quot;Opera&quot;, &quot;Chamber Music&quot;, &quot;Sonata&quot;, &quot;Symphony&quot;, &quot;Booty Bass&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Primus&quot;, &quot;Porn Groove&quot;, &quot;Satire&quot;, &quot;Slow Jam&quot;, &quot;Club&quot;, &quot;Tango&quot;, &quot;Samba&quot;, &quot;Folklore&quot;, &quot;Ballad&quot;, &quot;Power Ballad&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Rhythmic Soul&quot;, &quot;Freestyle&quot;, &quot;Duet&quot;, &quot;Punk Rock&quot;, &quot;Drum Solo&quot;, &quot;A Cappella&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Euro - House&quot;, &quot;Dance Hall&quot;, &quot;Goa&quot;, &quot;Drum & Bass&quot;, &quot;Club - House&quot;, &quot;Hardcore&quot;, &quot;Terror&quot;, &quot;Indie&quot;, &quot;BritPop&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Negerpunk&quot;, &quot;Polsk Punk&quot;, &quot;Beat&quot;, &quot;Christian Gangsta Rap&quot;, &quot;Heavy Metal&quot;, &quot;Black Metal&quot;, &quot;Crossover&quot;, _<br>
&quot;Contemporary Christian&quot;, &quot;Christian Rock&quot;, &quot;Merengue&quot;, &quot;Salsa&quot;, &quot;Thrash Metal&quot;, &quot;Anime&quot;, &quot;JPop&quot;, &quot;Synthpop&quot;)<br>
GenreText = Matrix(Index)<br>
End Function<br>
Public Function ReadMP3(filename As String, ReadTag As Boolean, ReadHeader As Boolean) As MP3Info<br>
bin = BinaryHeader(filename, ReadTag, ReadHeader) 'extract all 32 bits<br>
If ReadHeader = False Then Exit Function<br>
Version = Array(25, 0, 2, 1) 'Mpegversion table<br>
MpegVersion = Version(BinToDec(Mid(bin, 12, 2))) 'get mpegversion from table<br>
layer = Array(0, 3, 2, 1) 'layer table<br>
MpegLayer = layer(BinToDec(Mid(bin, 14, 2))) 'get layer from table<br>
SMode = Array(&quot;stereo&quot;, &quot;joint stereo&quot;, &quot;dual channel&quot;, &quot;single channel&quot;) 'mode table<br>
Mode = SMode(BinToDec(Mid(bin, 25, 2))) 'get mode from table<br>
Emph = Array(&quot;no&quot;, &quot;50/15&quot;, &quot;reserved&quot;, &quot;CCITT J 17&quot;) 'empasis table<br>
Emphasis = Emph(BinToDec(Mid(bin, 31, 2))) 'get empasis from table<br>
Select Case MpegVersion 'look for version to create right table<br>
Case 1 'for version 1<br>
Freq = Array(44100, 48000, 32000)<br>
Case 2 Or 25 'for version 2 or 2.5<br>
Freq = Array(22050, 24000, 16000)<br>
Case Else<br>
Frequency = 0<br>
Exit Function<br>
End Select<br>
Frequency = Freq(BinToDec(Mid(bin, 21, 2))) 'look for frequency in table<br>
If GetMP3Info.VBR = True Then 'check if variable bitrate<br>
Temp = Array(, 12, 144, 144) 'define to calculate correct bitrate<br>
Bitrate = (FileLen(filename) * Frequency) / (Int(GetMP3Info.Frames)) / 1000 / Temp(MpegLayer)<br>
Else 'if not variable bitrate<br>
Dim LayerVersion As String<br>
LayerVersion = MpegVersion & MpegLayer 'combine version and layer to string<br>
Select Case Val(LayerVersion) 'look for the right bitrate table<br>
Case 11 'Version 1, Layer 1<br>
Brate = Array(0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448)<br>
Case 12 'V1 L1<br>
Brate = Array(0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384)<br>
Case 13 'V1 L3<br>
Brate = Array(0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320)<br>
Case 21 Or 251 'V2 L1 and 'V2.5 L1<br>
Brate = Array(0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256)<br>
Case 22 Or 252 Or 23 Or 253 ''V2 L2 and 'V2.5 L2 etc...<br>
Brate = Array(0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160)<br>
Case Else 'if variable bitrate<br>
Bitrate = 1 'e.g. for Variable bitrate<br>
Exit Function<br>
End Select<br>
Bitrate = Brate(BinToDec(Mid(bin, 17, 4)))<br>
End If<br>
NoYes = Array(&quot;no&quot;, &quot;yes&quot;)<br>
Original = NoYes(Mid(bin, 30, 1)) 'Set original bit<br>
CopyRight = NoYes(Mid(bin, 29, 1)) 'Set copyright bit<br>
Padding = NoYes(Mid(bin, 23, 1)) 'get padding bit<br>
PrivateBit = NoYes(Mid(bin, 24, 1))<br>
YesNo = Array(&quot;yes&quot;, &quot;no&quot;) 'CRC table<br>
CRC = YesNo(Mid(bin, 16, 1)) 'Get CRC<br>
ms = (FileLen(filename) * 8) / Bitrate 'calculate duration<br>
Duration = Int(ms / 1000)<br>
With GetMP3Info 'set values<br>
.Bitrate = Bitrate '<br>
.CRC = CRC<br>
.Duration = Duration<br>
.Emphasis = Emphasis<br>
.Frequency = Frequency<br>
.Mode = Mode<br>
.MpegLayer = MpegLayer<br>
.MpegVersion = MpegVersion<br>
.Padding = Padding<br>
.Original = Original<br>
.CopyRight = CopyRight<br>
.PrivateBit = PrivateBit<br>
End With<br>
End Function<br>
Public Function WriteTag(filename As String, Songname As String, _<br>
Artist As String, Album As String, Year As String, Comment As String, Genre As Integer) As Long<br>
Tag = &quot;TAG&quot;<br>
Dim sn As String * 30<br>
Dim com As String * 30<br>
Dim art As String * 30<br>
Dim alb As String * 30<br>
Dim yr As String * 4<br>
Dim gr As String * 1<br>
sn = Songname<br>
com = Comment<br>
art = Artist<br>
alb = Album<br>
yr = Year<br>
gr = Chr(Genre)<br>
Open filename For Binary Access Write As #1<br>
Seek #1, FileLen(filename) - 127<br>
Put #1, , Tag<br>
Put #1, , sn<br>
Put #1, , art<br>
Put #1, , alb<br>
Put #1, , yr<br>
Put #1, , com<br>
Put #1, , gr<br>
Close #1<br>
End Function<br>
Private Sub Command1_Click()<br>
Dim filename As String<br>
filename = &quot;c:\2.mp3&quot;<br>
Call WriteTag(filename, &quot;Loooove&quot;, &quot;Namnnnnn&quot;, &quot;Alb1&quot;, &quot;1985&quot;, &quot;Braa&quot;, 54)<br>
End Sub<br>
Succes <p>Eric De Decker<br><a href=mailto:vbg.be@vbgroup.nl>vbg.be@vbgroup.nl</a><br><a href= Basic Center</a><br>
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