I want to set the value of unbound text boxes on a form. The form is set up in a grid (Letters x Numbers). I want to loop through a few of the text boxes and place the required value in the correct text box. I thought I could concatenate the letter and number that corresponds to the grid to the base name of the text box.
For example:
Letter=65, Number=5.
strTextBox = "Me!txtCell" & Chr(Letter) & Number
Equals: Me!txtCellA5
Then I'd use strTextBox, and values from a query or table, to fill out the grid with data.
(Am I missing something fundemental about controls and forms?)
For example:
Letter=65, Number=5.
strTextBox = "Me!txtCell" & Chr(Letter) & Number
Equals: Me!txtCellA5
Then I'd use strTextBox, and values from a query or table, to fill out the grid with data.
(Am I missing something fundemental about controls and forms?)