I need to control a quicktime movie in one frame, from a control script in another frame. The only function I need to use is the SetURL function (see In IE6, this works fine. The QT manual page says that we should be able to use these functions from Netscape 7 and this page: seems to imply that the latest versions of QT are supported in firefox.
So basically, what I need is for you guys to fix this so it works in all browsers (IE5+, Opera, Firefox):
============ index.html ============
<title>frame control demo</title>
<frameset cols="*,*">
<frame src="controlframe.html" name="controlframe" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" frameborder="1" />
<frame src="objectframe.html" name="objectframe" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" frameborder="0" />
You need a frames-enabled browser to use this application. </body>
============ controlframe.html ============
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="parent.objectframe.document.getElementById('movie1').SetURL('titrate.mov');" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Alter URL </span><br/><br/>
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="parent.objectframe.document.getElementById('movie1').Stop();" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Stop </span>
============ objectframe.html ============
<OBJECT classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
codebase=" id="movie1" width="340" height="280">
<PARAM name="src" value="yellow.mov">
<EMBED width="340" height="280"
</OBJECT> <br/><br/>
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="document.getElementById('movie1').SetURL('titrate.mov');" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Alter URL </span><br/><br/>
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="document.embeds[0].Stop()" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Stop </span>
At the moment I can't even get it to work in Firefox with the controls in the same frame. The javascript console keeps saying:
Error: parent.objectframe.document.getElementById("movie1").Stop is not a function
Please note:
1) the actual movies used don't matter at this stage (I just downloaded two random ones for this example frameset)
2) I can't reload the frame as the actual application I'm writing does some authentication routines which take a lot of server time and, as there will be lots of users of the final system, this is not an acceptable method. i.e. I MUST be able to use the setURL() function.
Thank you in advance for your help,
So basically, what I need is for you guys to fix this so it works in all browsers (IE5+, Opera, Firefox):
============ index.html ============
<title>frame control demo</title>
<frameset cols="*,*">
<frame src="controlframe.html" name="controlframe" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" frameborder="1" />
<frame src="objectframe.html" name="objectframe" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" frameborder="0" />
You need a frames-enabled browser to use this application. </body>
============ controlframe.html ============
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="parent.objectframe.document.getElementById('movie1').SetURL('titrate.mov');" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Alter URL </span><br/><br/>
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="parent.objectframe.document.getElementById('movie1').Stop();" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Stop </span>
============ objectframe.html ============
<OBJECT classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
codebase=" id="movie1" width="340" height="280">
<PARAM name="src" value="yellow.mov">
<EMBED width="340" height="280"
</OBJECT> <br/><br/>
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="document.getElementById('movie1').SetURL('titrate.mov');" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Alter URL </span><br/><br/>
<span onMouseOver="this.style.background = '#336699'; this.style.color = '#ffffff';" onMouseOut="this.style.background = '#ddeeff'; this.style.color = '#000033';" onclick="document.embeds[0].Stop()" style="background: #ddeeff; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;"> Stop </span>
At the moment I can't even get it to work in Firefox with the controls in the same frame. The javascript console keeps saying:
Error: parent.objectframe.document.getElementById("movie1").Stop is not a function
Please note:
1) the actual movies used don't matter at this stage (I just downloaded two random ones for this example frameset)
2) I can't reload the frame as the actual application I'm writing does some authentication routines which take a lot of server time and, as there will be lots of users of the final system, this is not an acceptable method. i.e. I MUST be able to use the setURL() function.
Thank you in advance for your help,