<br>I would like to provide the users with the ability to cancel out of a long running process.<br><br>In a simple desktop application, this is somewhat simple -- inside the loop that is causing the lengthy process, add a DoEvents() function which yields control to the Windows environment. This will allow the cmdCancel_Click event to be processed.<br><br>However, in my case, the lenghty process is occurring on a completely different machine (client/server environment). For example, the code looks something like this:<br><br>Set objRemote = CreateObject("RemoteApp.RemoteClass, strServerName)<br>objRemote.PerformLenghtyProcess<br>Set objRemote = Nothing<br><br>Just before the method call, I would like to display a window that will display a "please wait..." type of message with a Cancel button. If the user presses the Cancel button, then I would like to stop the .PerformLenghtyProcess method.<br><br>Is this possible?<br><br>Thanks in advance!