Has anyone used the NetLib functions for FPW 2.6 and NT? I am having a couple of problems. First, the function N_T_PASSWORD() always is returning .T. To work around this I decided to use N_T_LOGOUT() and then N_T_LOGIN() to log back into the server so I can do password authentication. If I use N_T_LOGOUT() and N_T_LOGIN() in the COMMAND window they work fine. However, as soon as I compile the .exe and run the application N_T_LOGIN() decides it does not want to work. For that matter it may be that N_T_LOGOUT() is not functioning either. I put in some message boxes and N_T_LOGOUT() is returning .T. but N_T_LOGIN() returns .F. no matter what. If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.<br>
Tony Maurer
Tony Maurer