Hopefully someone can help here... my question is as follows:
Is there a way to configure File::Find so that it 'stays' in the top directory and does not perform a recursive search?
example of what I have that is not working?
Depending on selection my application will need to search recursively or only on the top / starting level.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hopefully someone can help here... my question is as follows:
Is there a way to configure File::Find so that it 'stays' in the top directory and does not perform a recursive search?
example of what I have that is not working?
my @fileList=();
find ( { wanted => sub {push @fileList, $File::Find::name if(!-d)}, no_chdir => 1 }, "/temp/");
Depending on selection my application will need to search recursively or only on the top / starting level.
Any help would be appreciated.