Technical User
I am trying to import agent login id on CMS with the script below (found in this forum) but I have a error saying " [Line: 8 ](NULL) "
When I make it automatic script ".acsauto".
And when make it interactive script ".acsup" shows this error message " Microsoft VBScript runtime error [Line: 30] Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'
There is no any difference with the original script only one change
cvsSrv.Dictionary.ACD = 2
I tried with 2 agents in the list, and also with 10 the error is the same
Public Sub Main()
'Place a ";" separated file name agent.txt on the root of C drive
'This file needs to have the agent format: John Doe;1234 on every line
'This line will be read and split on the ";" and put in an array to add into CMS
'Script writen by sgroepie
l=0 'loop value for read loop
result=0 'Answer on adding
c=0 'counter for giving the messagebox
dim regel, a 'variabel for readline and for splitting on ";"
dim sString 'variable for information on adding data
dim NameArray(999) 'define array for agent name. All data is read into this from agents.txt
dim NumberArray(999) 'define array for agent number
dim fs, f 'define filesystem stuff for read
cvsSrv.Dictionary.ACD = 2
'Reads file one line at a time into name and number array
'Place the textfile on the root of C drive
Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.OpenTextFile("C:\agents.txt", 1)
Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True
regel = f.ReadLine
a = split(regel,";")
NameArray(l) = a(0)
NumberArray(l) = a(1)
Loop 'keep reading in data until EOF hit.
f.Close 'close agents.txt file
Set f=Nothing 'clear f and fs
Set fs=Nothing
'Read all agents into string and display it in a messagebox
for c = 0 to l-1
sString = sString & NumberArray(c) & " - " & nameArray (c) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10))
result = msgbox (sString, 1, "Sure to Add these Agents?")
if result = 1 then
sString = "" 'make string empty for next use
'Add entries
b = cvsSrv.Dictionary.CreateOperation("Login Identifications",Op)
Op.Window.Top = 4490
Op.Window.Left = 4680
Op.Window.Width = 6000
Op.Window.Height = 2540
for c = 0 to l-1
If b Then
Op.SetProperty "login_id", NumberArray(c)
Op.SetProperty "ag_name", NameArray(c)
On Error Resume Next
if b = Op.DoAction("Add") then
sString = sString & " " & NumberArray(c) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10))
end if
End If
if sString <> "" then
msgbox sString, 64, "Following Agents Already Exist"
msgbox "All Agents Added", 64, "Operation Succesfull"
end if
If Not cvsSrv.Interactive Then cvsSrv.ActiveTasks.Remove Op.TaskID
Set Op = Nothing
end if
end Sub
When I make it automatic script ".acsauto".
And when make it interactive script ".acsup" shows this error message " Microsoft VBScript runtime error [Line: 30] Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'
There is no any difference with the original script only one change
cvsSrv.Dictionary.ACD = 2
I tried with 2 agents in the list, and also with 10 the error is the same
Public Sub Main()
'Place a ";" separated file name agent.txt on the root of C drive
'This file needs to have the agent format: John Doe;1234 on every line
'This line will be read and split on the ";" and put in an array to add into CMS
'Script writen by sgroepie
l=0 'loop value for read loop
result=0 'Answer on adding
c=0 'counter for giving the messagebox
dim regel, a 'variabel for readline and for splitting on ";"
dim sString 'variable for information on adding data
dim NameArray(999) 'define array for agent name. All data is read into this from agents.txt
dim NumberArray(999) 'define array for agent number
dim fs, f 'define filesystem stuff for read
cvsSrv.Dictionary.ACD = 2
'Reads file one line at a time into name and number array
'Place the textfile on the root of C drive
Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.OpenTextFile("C:\agents.txt", 1)
Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True
regel = f.ReadLine
a = split(regel,";")
NameArray(l) = a(0)
NumberArray(l) = a(1)
Loop 'keep reading in data until EOF hit.
f.Close 'close agents.txt file
Set f=Nothing 'clear f and fs
Set fs=Nothing
'Read all agents into string and display it in a messagebox
for c = 0 to l-1
sString = sString & NumberArray(c) & " - " & nameArray (c) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10))
result = msgbox (sString, 1, "Sure to Add these Agents?")
if result = 1 then
sString = "" 'make string empty for next use
'Add entries
b = cvsSrv.Dictionary.CreateOperation("Login Identifications",Op)
Op.Window.Top = 4490
Op.Window.Left = 4680
Op.Window.Width = 6000
Op.Window.Height = 2540
for c = 0 to l-1
If b Then
Op.SetProperty "login_id", NumberArray(c)
Op.SetProperty "ag_name", NameArray(c)
On Error Resume Next
if b = Op.DoAction("Add") then
sString = sString & " " & NumberArray(c) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10))
end if
End If
if sString <> "" then
msgbox sString, 64, "Following Agents Already Exist"
msgbox "All Agents Added", 64, "Operation Succesfull"
end if
If Not cvsSrv.Interactive Then cvsSrv.ActiveTasks.Remove Op.TaskID
Set Op = Nothing
end if
end Sub