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CLS + CTD Qusetion

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Oct 24, 2001
Situation: Opt 11C Rls 20.x

Mission: To implement Auth Codes to provide LD facillities

Problem: Auth codes work when set CLS = TLD or SRE but notwhen CLS = CTD.

Question: 1. Is there a way to change the restrict value of CTD?

Any other comments or suggestions would be most welcome here.


With CLS = CTD you ae using the restrictions enforced by BARS or NARS. Within your RLB's there is a prompt called MFRL. MFRL is the Minimum Facility Restriction level.

For example:



Providing your NCOS's map to your FRL's on a 1-1 basis,
(NCOS1=FRL1, NCOS2=FRL2, NCOS3=FRL3 etc...) a phone with
an NCOS of 2 or lower would get prompted for an auth code for either route. A phone with NCOS 3 could go out Route1
without being prompted, if all tunks were busy in route 1
and caller is route advanced to Route 3, the user would be
prompted for auth code. A phone with NCOS 4 and higher
could go out either route without getting prompted for AC.
route. A p
Thanks for the detailed post. It is the best answer I have received to date. I will be able to digest this info over the next couple of days. Your response fills in part of the picture I was missing. As I have a question where I am blocked, I'll post back. Thanks again.


Hey Rhack!

Great tip. Found LD 86, found FRL and MFRL both set to 0.
Changed FRL to 1 and found that the MFRL auto set to 1 as well. Did a check and whammo bammo! It worked great.


I didn't mention that this customer is a hotel. (had enough to do to get this far) I found that the CTD FRL change followed into a checked in room. I guess I'll have to find out about the hospitality package and how that works to change the CLS on the checked in room.

So two questions I have remaining (I think) at this time:
1. Have I got the concept of CLS change with a hotel correct per above (If I've written clearly enough?); and
2. How would I get non guest phones out of BARS and thereby getting them under the New Flexible Code Restriction (LD 49)digit control?


Glad to be of partial help. You've got me stumped on hospitality and new flexible code restriction though. I have worked with neither.

I take it when a room checks in, you want them to be able to dial without an auth code, however when a room is vacant, an authcode is required for LD calls.

When a room is checked in, is the phone in the room actually programmed automatically or does something else occur in the process. Maybe there is way to activate the phone with a higher NCOS. Also did you check to see how your NCOS and FRL's are mapped (LD 86 or 87 - I forget, print NCTL, it will prompt you for a range.)

This will help you determine if raising the telephone NCOS, actually raises its FRL.
You are close... but I can't yet tell you just where the change must be made. The parameter is somewhere around Basic Auth Codes. I WILL find out and I'll post what I did so you know.
Your first post gave me enough clues so when I stumbled on the ref in LD 86, I was able to put it together. Don't think NFCR will have any bearing on this one.
NFCR is a little like the way the DR5 Norstar programs digit restrictions.

Thanks again
Phone Man

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