How can I set it so that the time changes automaticly for daylight savings time on my switch. I'm tired of having to come in early and change it on mondays or whenever it needs changing. I know there is a way but just dont know where. Any help is appreciated.
I don't think I have a daylight saving rule. I dont have the cha day option. I have cha but not day . I only one I am able to do is "ha time of date". Also im still using R4 so maybe thats why I dont have the cha day option. Anyway you can show me how to create a Rule to do it.
As far as I know 'change daylight-savings-rules' goes back to Sys75, I skipped R4 in my migrations so I'm not sure but I can't believe they changed it and then changed it back, let me search through my old docs and get back to you. Also, try and see if you have the 'set time' command, on that form you should have a field about half way down the page that says "Daylight Savings Rule: ___ " and the blank should have a number between 0 and 15. The 'cha time' command you refer to should be relative to time of day routing, not actual time of day.
In G3 R7 and above, there are additional fields on the "set/display time" screen. The "Type:" field should be set to standard or daylight savings, depending on which is currently correct. The "Daylight Savings Rule:" field is set to one of 17 rules (0-16) defined on the "change daylight-savings-rule" screen. These entries will automatically set the system time to comply with daylight savings time changes.
Additionally, in the G3r R7 and above with the Multiple Locations feature activated, the above time can be offset + or - on the "change location (1-44)" screen. This screen also allows a different daylight-savings-rule to be used when port networks (PNs) are located in different geographic areas. The location identifier (1-44) is associated with each PN on the "add/change cabinet" screen.
When you change the date or time, some display phones may not automatically refresh the display. If this happens, have each user press the date/time button on their phone and the display should update.
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