I have upgraded our databases to version 8 in a test environment. Since now all our users can access everything (ie in version 7.5 used secrurity to restrict palettes and not windows), I am now having to redo each user class. I have gone into the adv security, setup the accelerated option to not use (ie we have 15 companies, 60 users and it recommends to not use). I have selected one user class. I then go to toolbar > tools > system and start to deselect each window. After just clicking off one, it turns into an hour glass for a good 30 seconds. If I then try to select all the windows in the list, it takes 3 minutes until it has unselected every window.
At this rate, it's going to take me a good 20 minutes just to fix one class. Why is this so slow? I am running Great Plains 8 on Windows 2003 server with all latest service packs. The data is local so it's not a network issue.
At this rate, it's going to take me a good 20 minutes just to fix one class. Why is this so slow? I am running Great Plains 8 on Windows 2003 server with all latest service packs. The data is local so it's not a network issue.