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Sorting Memos in SK98

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Aug 24, 2003

Is it just me or is it the program? SK98 or SK95 won't properly sort memos alphabetically by subject. I have to save the memo file as an SKWin 2.0 file and then load in in SKWin2 and sort them.

I had always assumee that this was an unresolved bug in SK98 since it also happens in SK95. Then I got to thinking I should confirm this isn't something unique to me.


Gary Britt
Dear Gary,
Then select sort by Subject and can be descending or ascending.
Sorry mate it is you!
My notes file must have some kind of minor corruption in it then, because both SK98 and SK95 will not correctly sort alphabetically the notes/memos by subject. In general it gets it right, but there are always one to three memos that are sorted to the top out of order. Deleting the offending notes and saving the file and then recreating the note doesn't solve it either.

Not that big of a deal. In a way glad to know its just me.

Gary Britt
Dear Gary,
Sometimes if you have changed from one folder to another the first memo from the next folder will appear to be in the folder you are currently viewing, but I think that that is a display refresh situation...
So maybe it isn't you!!!

There is definitely a problem with O' as sidekick needs to be forced to re-sort the cardfile (in the situation where it is a cardfile) and say for instance you are sorting on LastName then FirstName; if you edit a field in the card that is part of the Index, or duplicate a card, which has O' as the first part of the LastName and that field is part odf the index, the new card or the edited card will go to the top of O and you will then have to change the sort so that the cardfile is sorted on the FirstName and then the LastName and then return the sort back to the LastName before FirstName finally.
I hope you followed that!
Try it out with a cardfile and you will see what I mean.

Regards Jim
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I had previously noticed the display problem regarding a first note subject title displaying incorrectly as you move from one note tab to another. This seems to happen more when you change from one notes tab to another via the keyboard than when you do it with the mouse, but even that isn't 100%. That isn't the problem with notes not sorting properly by subject however, nor is my problem the O' thing you described. I've never encountered problems with cardfile sorting, just with notes. Anyway, I solve it by saving the file as a sidekick 2 note file and then open it in SKwin 2 and sort and save and then reopen it in SK98.


Hey James,

Wanted to let you know that I was able to fix the corruption in my SK98 Memo file that was keeping Alphabetical sorting from working properly. First using sk98 I sorted the files by date, and then saved them. Then I saved them still sorted by date into a Skwin2 file format. I then opened the file in Skwin2, and I noticed that several empty notes had appeared at the top of the notes list. I deleted all these empty notes and saved the file. Then still in SKwin2, I resorted the notes file alphabetically and saved the file sorted in that manner.

I then opened up the Skwin2 notes file using sk98. Since then notes properly and automatically sort alphabetically just as they should. This corruption has been in my notes file since I moved to sk98 apparently, because this is the first time sorting alphabetically in sk98 notes has worked for me.

Knowing it was supposed to work helped give me the drive to try a few fixes.


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