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Printing Problems - Spoolss.exe

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Aug 12, 1999
Recently added an HP DeskJet 890c to a small NT (10 user) network. Server is 4.0 (sp4) - workstations are Win95, 98 and 2 NT WS.<br>
Once added to the network (via JetAdmin) if anyone, including the server, sends a test printpage errors jump up. The first failure is the HPRtbx10.exe the next is SPOOLSS.exe<br>
Once those two errors are shown, the spool service stops, and all printers are lost. However, once the spool service is started again - all the printers appear to fine.<br>
In event viewer, I see one error: HPTCPMON<br>
I've tried to uninstall/reinstall - grab new drivers. Tried another JetDirect box, CAT V and a different port on the switch. <br>
Finally, I tried the printer straight to my Laptop - the printer worked just fine.<br>
If anyone could shed some light, I would appreciate it.<br>
Thanks ~
you need to start at the printer and work your way back.<br>
Can you print a test page to the printer from the Jetdirect box?<br>
there is a button on it for this purpose. When you get this page keep it, it has all of the parameters of the box.<br>
TCP/IP seetings etc.<br>
And can you print a test page from the server.<br>
Is the printer installed on the Server using the &quot;My Computer&quot; option or was it done using &quot;Network print server&quot;?<br>
Try deleting the Printer from the Printers folder and adding it back giving it a new name.<br>
Don't waste too much time before picking up the phone.<br>
Call HP they helped me set up all 9 of our Jet Directs when and if I had problems with them over the years. Thats what they are there for. +1 (208) 323-2551
I agree with Doug. Get with HP. HP has a nasty habit of making it's drivers add extra print monitors to a machine. We do all out\r printing by ignoring jetadmin and adding all printers to a server. We still have problems. <br>
I'm not sure about the 890C but I believe it is a host based printer (designed for the home, no printer CPU, the PC's CPU does the calculations) so you may need the extra monitors, but in my experience they are nothing but trouble. I have 2 1120C's I had to remove from the network for this reason. <br>
We now spend the extra money for printers designed to be networked and sometimes I still have to remove extra print monitors from the server after install. (Even the HP4000 had this problem.) Generally any time you need to run a setup program to install a printer on a netowrk you are exposing yourself. (Although, as I said, even sticking to Add Printer you can end up with problems with HP systems.)<br>
From what I've read, Win2K will be much more rigid about how printer drivers act, so hopefully HP will have to knuckle under and act responsibly. <p> Jeff<br><a href=mailto: masterracker@hotmail.com> masterracker@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Doug - <br>
I tried to add the printer both ways. <br>
I think removing this printer from the network may just be the best option.<br>
Thanks for all the replies ~
Your original post said Spoolss.exe<br>
Is that the printer spooler service?<br>
Did you try stoping and re-starting it.<br>
It's a Service in Control Panel, Services<br>
Also what are your setting for the Jetdirect are you using tcp/ip?<br>
There is a lot to keep track of with Jet directs.<br>
We Have a Model 170 Jet direct connected to a HP 8xx Series<br>
and it works fine.<br>
One of the first things HP asks is What version of Jet Admin are you using if it's not the latest they want you to get it installed then call back.<br>
I think its version 3.4 <br>
goto <A HREF=" TARGET="_new">Don't get to discouraged. When they are up and running they are the greatest. We have 9 and all had some issue to get them going. Some are 170's one is a 3 port and several others are MIO slots in large workgroup printers.<br>
Also are you sure your network cable is good?<br>
did you print a Test page from the jet direct?<br>
If so it will have the Settings and protocols. This too is a must when talking to HP. They are going to ask for it.<br>
To test it network wire I think you can Ping it (TCP/IP that is) from the server.
Yes DougP - I did try stopping/starting the service.<br>
After reading your response I did notice I am using an older version of JetAdmin (2.x)<br>
I'll try the new one. <br>
Thanks ~
Does your Jetadmin 2.x see the box?<br>
I would upgrade to version 3.4 anyway.<br>
What model is your Jet direct? ex150? ex170? ex500?<br>

DougP -<br>
I finally got JetAdmin 3.4 and started from scratch.<br>
((they didn't like my &quot;Throw it away&quot; suggestion))<br>
Using TCP/IP - gave it an address - [JetDirect 170] Test page printed just fine from the JetDirect. JetAdmin seen the box and proper configuration.<br>
Here's where I may be messing up - When I go to the add printer, I choose the &quot;My Computer&quot; vs &quot;Network&quot; option. When I get to the have disk, of course, I can't add just the printer(driver) because the HP install wants to run (and won't let you choose anything else).<br>
I finally come to this &quot;HP Add Port thing&quot; screen - I add the port & select it. Seems to be fine. I share it out. I go to print a test page and BAM! There is that same &quot;Error: SPOOLSS.exe&quot; and it automatically stops the spool service. And I mean it stops it now!<br>
Thanks for all the feedback ~ <br>

There was an article on this in Technet. I know cos I had a similar problem. Are your client machines printing directly to printer or are they spooling?<br>
If you spool to a spooler you are asking for trouble. Get the clients to print directly to the printer (which is in fact a spooler on NT) and see if that cures the problem
Zelandakh -<br>
I'll give that a try from the client PCs. Would you also suggest the same settings from the server as well?<br>
Thanks ~<br>

I wouldn't recommend printing directly from both. We set all clients to print directly to the spooler cos then you have a centralised spooler...<br>
It works at any rate!!!
That's what I was talking about as well. We don't use JetAdmin at all. We set up all printers on a server with minimal drivers and share them. On the client side we connect to the share and print directly to the printer thereby spooling only on the server. <p> Jeff<br><a href=mailto: masterracker@hotmail.com> masterracker@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
you are very close. half the battle is over.<br>
Step 1. you have communication already between server an Jetdirect (Good)<br>
Step 2. Go to client, install HP Printer using the CD-ROM (put in CD and let it autorun)<br>
and pick the LPT1 as the port (Trust me)<br>
Step 3. Run the Jetdirect software on the client and install the connection to the Jetdirect (Have your Test sheet handy so you know the TCP/IP address) The result here is you will see the printer port in JetAdmin on the client AND it will install a new port option on your client a JET DIRECT PORT. <br>
Step 4. Right click on newly installed printer icon and change the port from LPT1 to the New Jet direct (which should be at the bottom of the list of ports below LPT1, LPT2, COM1, COM2 ETC)<br>
It will have the name you called it when you created it on the server.<br>
In the &quot;Port&quot; column will be the name like \\Servername\portname (\\smallbserver\HP712C in my case)<br>
In the Description column will be &quot;HP Jet direct Port&quot;<br>
OK <br>
If you still can't get it e-mail me direct <A HREF="mailto:dposton@universal1.com">dposton@universal1.com</A><br>

DougP -<br>
It must have been something with the way I was setting it up on both the clients and server. Everyone can now print. The server receives NO errors, and everyone is happy ~ I followed your last suggestion to the &quot;T.&quot; Also, like Zelandakh and MasterRacker suggested, no one is set to &quot;spool&quot; each are printing directly to the printer.<br>
Known Side Effects: Now, everytime one of the Win9x clients print to this HP 890c, their dial-up (ISP) box pops up. But, hey. . . it still prints fine.<br>
Thanks again ~
There is some sort of TCP/IP issue with that.<br>
I had that problem with an ODBC driver in a '95 client<br>
you can shut that off<br>
Go in Explorer 'tools' or 'view' menu<br>
&quot;Internet Options&quot;<br>
Connections TAB<br>
Click &quot;Never Dial&quot; or whatever you have look at the options I'm on NT workstation, and the differnt versions of I.E. 4 or 5 have moved everything around.<br>
NOTE if you do this they will have to connect manually in dial up Net working before thay launch Explorer if they want to surf the WEB.
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