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Monitoring GDI, User and System resources

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Jan 26, 1999
I need to Monitor GDI, User and System resources to allow my app to warn and go to a safe state before resources run out.<br>
Does anyone know how to do this? I have used 16 bit API calls before - GetFreeSystemResources - but I<br>
cannot seem to find the 32 bit equivalents<br>
Thanks for any help
In the 16-bit world of Windows, the global memory and user information was obtained using the GetFreeSpace and GetFreeSystemResources APIs. Under Win32, these were dropped and replaced with the GlobalMemoryStatus API.
Yes, I know, I used GetFreeSystemResources in Win16, but GlobalMemoryStatus returns a MEMORYSTATUS<br>
dwLength As Long<br>
dwMemoryLoad As Long<br>
dwTotalPhys As Long<br>
dwAvailPhys As Long<br>
dwTotalPageFile As Long<br>
dwAvailPageFile As Long<br>
dwTotalVirtual As Long<br>
dwAvailVirtual As Long<br>
End Type<br>
Where are GDI, User and System resources?<br>
I use the Win98 resource meter, which shows the info I want, but I need to get it programmatically and I cannot find it in a MEMORYSTATUS. Any idea is welcome please.<br>

I haven't has an app run out of resources like that in a while now (not since I left the heady days of programming for MS WFW behind me in fact), must be quite an app for you to be having problems.<br>
What does it do?<br>
<p>Mike Lacey<br><a href=mailto:Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com>Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com</a><br><a href= Cargill's Corporate Web Site</a><br>
In 16-bit versions of Visual Basic, you can determine free system resources by calling the GetFreeSystemResources Windows API function. For 32-bit versions of Visual Basic, there is no Win32 API function that provides that information. To determine free system resources in a 32-bit Visual Basic application, you must call a 16-bit application. This article includes instructions to: <br>
Create a 16-bit Visual Basic 4.0 OLE server that determines free system resources and provides that information to OLE clients. <br>
Call the 16-bit OLE server from a 32-bit version of Visual Basic and get free system resources from it. <br>
look at :<br>
Try the following:<br>
Const SR = 0<br>
Const GDI = 1<br>
Const USR = 2<br>
Declare Function pBGetFreeSystemResources Lib &quot;rsrc32.dll&quot; Alias &quot;_MyGetFreeSystemResources32@4&quot; (ByVal iResType As Long) As Long<br>
This returns the free System, User and GDI resources depenging on which of the constants is passed to it.<br>
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