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What to expect 1

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Karl Blessing

Feb 25, 2000
By the 18th our project leader will have left, we already lost 2 to go back to school, same with the project leader, after he had left, the only people remaining will be myself, brian, the CEO and his wife.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now brian works down at the state (our main customer, and who we contract for) I cant be at the state building as I dont have 2 years experience, he however started his ASP experience as he entered this company 2 months ago, and I am nearing 1 year experience with the company with VB, C++, ASP, HTMl, and whatever else nessary for the task. With such shortage and inexperience, and I am uncertain they will grab new people real quickly, what can I expect in a Web development , small company, should I be concerned? when I was first hired, we had almost 7 people besides myself, by the summer we have lost 4 but gained 2 college students for the summer, now the college students are back to school, and 1 is leaving for school (our project leader) , reviewing other employee's that have been there before me (one of the college students was int he company before, in the summer prior) they're were alot more people as well, I feel as there has been least 3 complete change overs in the 4 years the company existed, so I'm wondering If I should be concerned (all people who has left, left on own reasons, except for one I think).<br><br> <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
Karl, sounds like you've been worrying for quite a while, &quot;What should I do now?&quot; Sometimes it helps to let go of the present moment and take a longer view. What are your priorities in your life? Maslov's hierarchy of needs goes something like this: first security (no bombs dropping on your house), then physical needs (food, warmth, health, etc.), then affiliation (companionship and love), then personal challenge, then personal unfoldment (service). To achieve happiness in your life, you strive for what is missing and so you can keep trying to move up the ladder.<br><br>What kind of person do you want to be, and what do you want to look back on with contentment in your old age? Just keep in touch with that, keep taking steps toward that. And if you can't figure out yet what you want, then it really doesn't matter yet what you do. Because, as they say, if you don't have a destination, any road will take you there.
I see where you are going with this, as if do &quot;I&quot; feel that I want to stick around, etc etc, where do I want to go, Does this job meet my goals, etc.<br><br>Apparently I'm not the only one concerned, the guy I'm working with is concerned if our CEO may be forced to close the company if he cant find more people (which I doubt, but the workload and hours will definitly increase)<br><br>The reason it concerns me though, is that my appartment is kind of attached like a string to the company, the company provides me with my living area. I do have the option of falling back on fammily members though if anything were to happen. I dont know the financial aspect of the problem, other than low number of employee's, But I also dont want to be about the only person here at the office taking care of everything. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
Exactly, and it's very important to keep moving, keep taking steps, rather than get caught in analysis paralysis. What have you done as of today to objectively assess your marketability? Have you written your resume? Sent it to recruiters? Responded to ads & postings? Interviewed? All this will give you feedback on your alternatives.
Other than doing my job, I havent done any of the above, also my project leader, just got fired on the spot two days ago, he came to my appartment that same night, told me what happened, apparently the CEO wanted him to work a while longer, even tho he was given a year notice ahead of time, so he fired him for not wanting. He has told me that if the company does have to close due to small number of employee I might expect to be fired, rather than just layed off.
I also talked to some of the former employee's, it turns out in the past 4 years (company been around for only that long) 8 employee's were yelled out the door like my project leader was, but more than that left or quit on their own.

currently, there is just me, another developer, the CEO and his wife.
Oh and the project leader been with the company for 2 years (with 1 year notice of when he was leaving , which was this friday, until he got fired) so it was rather unexpected, especially since they never seemed to have a problem with each other the whole year I was here, but I'll take up your advise, get resumes circulating up in the michigan area (If I leave, I'll be moving up to MI where the rest of my family moved upto), But I'm going to try to stick around as long as I can.
With only 2 people left to vent his anger on, your boss may be targeting you soon. Why don't you try to putting together your resume this weekend... it feels amazingly good to write and then read wonderful things about yourself for a few hours!

If you like to read books, I'd recommend you look over &quot;What color is your Parachute?&quot; or &quot;The 3 Boxes of Life&quot;. These old standbys can often be found in your public library if you're short of cash. &quot;Aceing the Technical Interview&quot; is also useful. Keeping a resume circulating at all times - not just when you're actively looking - can be a good reality check, as recruiters contact and interview you periodically. If your hearing impairment keeps you from putting your best foot forward at interviews, you can put together a portfolio of projects you're proud of: a binder of (color) screen shots and neatly commented code to dazzle them.
Thanks for the advice, I'll see if i can find those books, also the hearing impairment should not be much of a problem, as long as I am wearing my hearing aids, as a person though I am easily likeble (of course you may have noticed my written english thus far). The good thing is however Brian the current remaining employee with me, is ready to help out if anything happens, as well as many of the former employee, and I also got family to back me up. Not exactly the kind of supports you would pick up from going through a much larger company, Good thing my work been mostly focused on web applications, so it would be able to be shown via they wanted some examples from this job. Of course this weekend I've definitly have to clean up my appartment, also I'm trying to sell a lot goodie hardware equipment I dont use anymore (kinda straped for cash with the payperiod only a week and a half away) I did have a old Resume on CD somewhere, I would just need to update it with my current job, revise look it over, send it to my dad for him to make improvements on (he's currently the manager of Sprint PCS of the Michigan State Disctrict) sometimes I feel he's compete against me (hehe, and he's winning too :} )

I'll have to be careful with the portfolio though, they have me bound to a somewhat legal contract to not expose &quot;their secrets&quot; of course one of the stupid things in the contract (which shows he was an amature when he wrote it) was that the employee could not goto a competitor withing a year of being terminated, not legal, but it would scare certainly the more gullible of employee's

what do you think about me throwing a Resume section on my domain name? (kb244.com , nothing on it yet, other than my Rio300 review [])

It supports ASP, so I figure I might be able to throw some of my skills into the workings there.
Hmm apparently i wont have to work too hard on a resume this weekend, I was going through the email on josh's computer (the one that was fired) [which is ok btw, since I'm supposed to be finding information regarding projects we've either forgotten about or, to find other people who were wanting to apply for a job] I came accross a couple emails from a while back, they had a modified revised resme of mine so I just took their newest modified and saved it to my computer, the reason they had it, was since we're a contractor to the state of NC, the state would like to see resumes, and interview new people hired by the contractor, so they took my existing resume, and threw a bunch of stuff regarding my work experience, here, along with some other stuff they felt was usefull of course they removed all the other experiences (guess it wasnt important for this particular interview) so this weekend I'm going to take that resume, merge it with my old for all the other experiences prior, then fix it up, and get a bunch of friend's opinions on it. But I must admit, it feels rather weird going thru the email of a recently fired employee and aquaintance. (which is why I delete all email I feel not important to keep, and does not require being kept for company purposes)
If you want to put your resume out there for someone you know to review, that might be useful. But definitely do not show your web site as it exists today to an employer. The level of writing skills displayed is poor and would work against you.
I dont plan to. least not until I actually sit down and revise it, and have it reviewed over.
Good idea Elizabeth, I always get a friend with some knowlege of C.V's and or a profesional to review mine from time to time.
It has paid great divdends. I have even had a job offer with out interview on the strength of my C.V ( I did not take it as it did not feel right ).

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