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MAS 90 Error # 47 SOWUAE Line 12150 1

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Technical User
Nov 24, 2008
I have Error #47 : Substring reference out of string when running Daily Sales Reports/Updates.
The line item information was sort of linked between 117 & 118 which was not supposed to. SO# 117 shows SO# 118's line item. I entered each SO to make sure it has correct line item information before issuing the invoices. The error occurred during the update.

Here is the detail information.

Error #47: Substring reference out of string
Program: SOWUAE
Line: 12150
General Information
File: SY_01.SOA SY_01 Tax Schedule Header File
Application: Sales Order (3.71)
L/M Level: 3.71

Program Stack
Open Files
Chan File
0 T124(Terminal ID)
1 SO5 S/O Invoice Data Entry Header File
2 SO6 S/O Invoice Data Entry Detail File
3 SO1 Sales Order Entry Header File
4 SO2 Sales Order Entry Detail File
5 SO2 Sales Order Entry Detail File
6 SO4 Sales Order Drop Ship Sort
7 SOX Open Order Detail Sorted By Item
10 AR1 A/R Customer Master File
11 SO1 Sales Order Entry Header File
12 SO3 Sales Order Print Sort
14 IM1 I/M Inventory Master File
15 ARV A/R Sales Tax Detail File
21 SO_30 Temporary S/O Update File - GL4
33 SO_01 Sales Order Extended Line Description
34 SO_02 S/O Invoice Extended Line Description
35 AR_13 A/R Payment Type File
50 SO_31 Temporary S/O Update File - ARN
51 SO_32 Temporary S/O Update File - ARO
52 SO2 Sales Order Entry Detail File
53 SO_03 Sales Order History - Header
54 SO_04 Sales Order History - Line Detail
55 SO_05 S/O History Extended Item Description
56 SO_03 Sales Order History - Header
57 SO_07 S/O History Invoice History Link
58 SO_08 S/O Hist Line A/R Invoice Hist Line Link
59 SO_17 Sales Order Invoice Tax Detail File
60 SO_18 Sales Order Invoice Tax Summary File
61 AR_16 A/R Open Invoice Tax Summary File
62 AR_17 A/R Invoice History Tax Summary File
63 SO_15 Sales Order Tax Detail File
64 SO_16 Sales Order Tax Summary File
65 SO_11 Sales Order History Tax Detail File
66 SO_12 Sales Order History Tax Summary File
67 GL_15 Sales Tax Master File
68 AR_15 Customer/Ship-To Tax Exemptions File
95 SY_05 Tax Class Master File
96 SY_04 Taxcode Detail File
97 SY_03 Tax Code Header File
98 SY_02 Tax Schedule Detail File
99 SY_01 Tax Schedule Header File

Please advise how to fix the error. Thank you.
First you need to upgrade. Support for v3.71 is NOT going to last forever.

Error 47 SOWUAE 12150 when updating the Sales Order Sales Journal
Entry Type: Informational

Product: Sage MAS 90 ERP, Sage MAS 200 ERP, Sage MAS 200 ERP - SQL Server Edition

Application: Sales Order

Version Reported: 3.71


Error 47 SOWUAE 12150 occurs when updating the Sales Order Sales Journal.

Possible Resolution:

Turn off the 'Retain Sales Order/Quote History' option.

Note: Before turning the Retain Sales Order/Quote History option off, verify the 'Retain Deleted Orders/Quotes in History' and the 'Retain Deleted Lines in History' sub-options are. Turning Retain Sales Order/Quote History off and on sets the sub-options to 'No' when it may have been 'Yes' or 'Prompt' before.

Select Sales Order / Setup / Sales Order Options.
Click the 'Integrate' tab. Clear the 'Retain Sales Order/Quote History' check box for this one update only.
Restart the update.
After the Sales Journal updates, remember to reset the 'Retain Sales Order/Quote History' option.
It worked! Thank you, thank you. You just made my day. Do you know what would cause this situation? Could it be I have too many records in the history? Should I purge some history or recap in each module? Does Daily Transaction register need to be run daily? I was told not to. Please advise. Thanks again.
Does Daily Transaction register need to be run daily? I was told not to."

You should NOT listen to whoever told you this. They have no idea what they are talking about. Generally the Daily Transaction Register is updated after each batch is posted. In my 10+ years I know of no one who did not update the DTR at least daily with most doing it with each posting.

The error message has nothing to do with your history. DO NOT purge. It was just something in the files you were updating. TURN BACK on the option to save to history.
I already turned on the option to save history. Will update DTR daily. Happy Thanksgiving.
I have Error #47 on SOWRRB Line 1025 while runing "Open Order by Promise Date Report". One of the updated SO has confused data in history. Here is the detail:

Error #47: Substring reference out of string
Program: SOWRRB
Line: 1025
General Information
File: SO7AAA.SOA SO7 Miscellaneous Code File
Channel: -32768
Key: 02259
Last Channel Opened: 8
Last Channel Accessed: 2
Application: Sales Order (3.71)
L/M Level: 3.71
Program Stack
Open Files
Chan File
0 T124(Terminal ID)
1 SO1 Sales Order Entry Header File
2 SO2 Sales Order Entry Detail File
3 IM1 I/M Inventory Master File
4 IMA I/M Product Line File
5 IMC I/M Warehouse Code File
6 SY0CTL System Control File
7 T1241.tmp
10 SOX Open Order Detail Sorted By Item
11 SO7 Miscellaneous Code File
Public Programs
Program Bytes
SWPLIB 21,927
SWPLIB 21,927
SWGPIH 9,787
SYREPT 13,863
SYMINI 5,427
SYHEAD 20,871
SWTEXT 2,265
SYCOMP 3,052
SWPLIB 21,927
SWPSET 13,569
SWPROG 5,679
CMWSCA 3,272
SWPSET 13,569
SYPRNT 23,272
SYDISP 8,969
SWERRM 16,849
SWHKEY 2,253
SWCLIK 2,143
SYSPAC 6,111
SYERRL 1,861
SWERRM 16,849
SOWRRB 6,764
SOWRRA 6,616

Also Error 11 SOWRPB Line 1610 while running "Sales Order/Quote History Report".
Error #11: Record not found or Duplicate key on write
Program: SOWRPB
Line: 1610
General Information
File: SO_05AAA.SOA SO_05 S/O History Extended Item Description
Channel: -32768
Key: 22-5040-30
Last Channel Opened: 7
Last Channel Accessed: 3
Application: Sales Order (3.71)
L/M Level: 3.71
Program Stack
Open Files
Chan File
0 T124(Terminal ID)
1 SO_03 Sales Order History - Header
2 SO_03 Sales Order History - Header
3 IM1 I/M Inventory Master File
4 AR1 A/R Customer Master File
5 SO_04 Sales Order History - Line Detail
6 ARD A/R Salesperson Master File
7 T1242.tmp
8 ARB A/R Division Master File
9 SO_09 Cancellation/Reason Code File
32767 SO_05 S/O History Extended Item Description
Public Programs
Program Bytes
SWPLIB 21,927
SWPLIB 21,927
SWGPIH 9,787
SYREPT 13,863
SYMINI 5,427
SYHEAD 20,871
SWTEXT 2,265
SYCOMP 3,052
SWPLIB 21,927
SWPSET 13,569
SWPROG 5,679
CMWSCA 3,272
SWPSET 13,569
SYPRNT 23,272
SYDISP 8,969
SWERRM 16,849
SWCLIK 2,143
SYSPAC 6,111
SYERRL 1,861
SWERRM 16,849
SYERRM 13,387
SOWRPB 14,359
SOWRPA 6,933

All other reports under SO Reports menu are good. Please help. Thanks.

Please help. Thanks.
Error 47 SOWRRB 1025 or Error 28 SOWRRB 9110, when running the Open Order by Promise Date Report

Possible Resolution:
Note: Use caution when working with repair utilities. Always make a backup first. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage Software business partner or Customer Support analyst.

1) Analyze & Relink the SO2 Sales Order Detail File then

2) Rebuild sorts for Sales Order.

You know you really should be posting on the Sage Community at

I was reading through the thread and I was curious about something. Did the people that only posted the transaction register daily give you any reason/philosopy to that approach?

I've heard of the concept but not what the reasons might be for it.

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