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getting index.html from href

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Apr 10, 2000
Greetings all...

Just wondering, how do I strip down to everything after .com?
is there a easy way.. or must I create my own script? (that I can, just to laizy to do it right now) :)

thanks for anyhelp... My codes look like something a kid wrote
I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about
Somehow I still manage to make it work

i remember some sort of your question,

take a look at thread216-196304

i don't know an easy way.. Victor
Use a regular expression and extract everything after the last slash.

sicne I'm not used with those expressions I wouldn't know how to make one! (my solution had been a loop *haha*).. could you give me a hint were to start?

and vituz, the thread you pointed towards didn't do what I wanted, it.. (have no idea what it does) but I would guess it checked for the existance of My codes look like something a kid wrote
I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about
Somehow I still manage to make it work
nope, there i used *those expressions* to split the url entered apart to
~domain (hostname, before first / symbol, e.g. www.tek-tips.com)
~pathname (here it would be just /)
~filename (viewthread.cfmblabla)

var _pat1=/([^\/]*)(\/.*)*/
var parts={
_hostname : url.match(_pat1)[1],
_pathname : url.match(_pat1)[2],
_patharr  : url.match(_pat1)[2].split("/"),
_file     : ""
var _temp=parts._patharr
parts._pathname=(_temp.length==1) ? "/" : _temp.join("/")

//alert("there are\nhostname: "+parts._hostname+"\npathname: "+parts._pathname+"\nfile: "+parts._file)

some explanations:

var _pat1=/([^\/]*)(\/.*)*/ - a pattern, first brackets matches everything before first /, second - everything else..

url.match(_pat1) - this catches matches of entered url with given pattern, if assigned to a variable (like in my case) it returns an array of matches (the length of array equals to the amount of bracket-qroups [2 in this case] & numbering starts from 1, but not from 0)
url.match(_pat1)[1] would catch the first match (meaning hostname) & second - (blabla[2]) - the second match (pathname)

then i split that pathname by "/" & the last value in resulting array is a filename; i qrab it outta here & join the rest to the "_pathname" variable

blabla (tired explaining)

and so on..

what can i say? i guess it is too complicated.. but i like to write things that might be used in many ways :) Victor
Try this too...

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;>
<title>File name Capture from a URL</title>

<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>
<!-- Instantiate Regular expression Object -->
var myRegExp=new RegExp();
var myRegExp = /(\/)+/;

<!-- Get URL and convert to String Object -->
var url_temp=window.location;

<!-- Split URL on / -->
var url_array=url_temp.split(myRegExp);

<!-- Display Elements of URL -->
document.write(&quot;domain: &quot;+url_array[1]+&quot;<br>&quot;);
document.write(&quot;path: &quot;);
document.write(&quot;file: &quot;+url_array[url_array.length-1]);

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