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Call Sap fromC programs

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Aug 13, 2002
Hello everyone,

i'm trying to call SAP from an C program, i had search for some information and i had some results.

I found the libraries (guilib.lib) to be include in the C program, and also the include files but i still haven´t a working program.

IF someone could help me , i would apreciate!!

Thanks Fred,

i have aldready done'it, and try it to compile those examples, but that´s exactly what is given me problems.

When i compile those files, i get some errors.
It seems that the samples don´t recognize the libraries.
I have aldready link the program to the libraries, but the errors persists.
the error is something like:
"unable to interprete "IT_HANDLE"..."
"unable to interprete "IT_CONNECT"..."

The compiler doesn´t recognize the functions definition.
I don´t know if the error could have a relation with the operating system (windows 2000) or with the SAP version(46b),or if i´m doing something wrong.

If you could help me i would appreciate...


Hi Prosa,

I am not a C- or VB-programmer, but :

You might want to check the RFC DLL version and use the most recent one available. I have just installed a 620 GUI Compilation 3.
The RFC libs I have are :

- librfc32.lib 8.686 bytes 19.11.2002
- librfc32u.dll 7.270.472 bytes 20.11.2002
Build on Tue Nov 19 22:31:16 2002
Product Version 6203.3.480
- librfc32u.lib 48.666 bytes 19.11.2002

I cannot find the functions IT_HANDLE & IT_CONNECT in the 2 libraries ( searched with Notepad ).

Are you sure these functions are valid and exist ?

Hello again and thanks one more time,

i check for the files you have mencioned, and it checks OK..

about the functions i mencioned before they were from a diferent example i try to compile, it was from SAMPLE.C file.

But now, I try to compile the file startrfc.c and the errors are similiar:
undefined reference to `RfcFileArgv@8'

and so on...

But when reading your last reply, i see something that could be the problem,

You don´t use a C compiler to run the files???
You use a Tool that comes with SapGui??

i´m trying to do this using a C compiler to run the programs, may be this could be the problem??


You should have included librfc32.lib in your compiler instead of guilib.lib.
Hello supernova88,

i did, i have include librfc32.lib , but the error persist.

I change in the compiler options, the lib directory were this file is, and still nothing.


Hello again,

this are the link i have defined in the compiler options,

i think everythig is ok:

c:\progra~2\sap\frontend\sapgui\rfcsdk\text\rfcexec.c -o c:\progra~2\sap\frontend\sapgui\rfcsdk\text\Rfcexec.exe
-s -fexpensive-optimizations -IC:\DEV-C_~1\Include-IC:\PROGRA~2\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\rfcsdk\include\
-IC:\DEV-C_~1\Include\G__~1 -IC:\DEV-C_~1\Include\

could be the problem the operating system i have ??
windows 2000??

Any suggestion will be welcome...


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