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  • Users: yvfwc
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  1. yvfwc

    perc bios level

    If you have a DRAC card installed you can get the info real time. You would, however, had to set it up beforehand. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  2. yvfwc

    Where can we download dictionaries for grpwise?

    Look in your software directory under client\Zen\UWL Cheers, Mark ;-)
  3. yvfwc

    NDPS - printing seems very slow from web browsers

    Did you change the "ShortInstallName = " setting in: \apache2\htdocs\ippdocs\iprint.ini to something other than "Default"? That was the key in my case, the printer name itself did not make a difference in my case. If that is what you tried then you could have a DNS or other problem. Cheers...
  4. yvfwc

    Daylight Saving Time change

    Formats include a simple date and time or rules introduced by a "(". For example, April 4 1993 2:0:0 am, (April 4 2:0:0 am), (April Sunday >= 1 2:0:0 am), or (April Sunday First 2:0:0 am). Only rules cause rescheduling for the next year. You must set both the start and end dates before either...
  5. yvfwc

    Pb with boot PE 2400

    What is attached to the controllers? Cheers, Mark ;-)
  6. yvfwc

    Including external address in a GW Distribution List

    I'm sorry I thought you had already created the external user. Take a look at this: http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?10063589.htm Cheers, Mark ;-)
  7. yvfwc

    NDPS - printing seems very slow from web browsers

    You might look at this Tid: http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?10073623.htm Althought it doesn't specifically mention it, we had the same basic problem and the above tid fixed it. After making the change to the shorter name, we did have to reinstall the printers affected...
  8. yvfwc

    Including external address in a GW Distribution List

    Try this: 1. Open ConsoleOne 2. Go to GroupWise System 3. Select to view Users 4. Highlight External User and right click and select Properties 5. Select GroupWise Tab and select Distribution Lists 6. Click on the Add button and select a Distribution List from the list 7. Click OK (this...
  9. yvfwc

    Database facility in POA reports 820E error

    Check this as well: http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10061726.htm Note that setting post office to client/server only is recomended as client/server and direct can still have random file locking issues. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  10. yvfwc

    Database facility in POA reports 820E error

    What service pack(s) are you running? Netware 6.0 sp? and GroupWise 5.5 sp? (enhancement pack or not?) Cheers, Mark ;-)
  11. yvfwc

    Novell 5 Setup

    If this is NetWare 5.0 take a look at: http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10017230.htm Otherwise (my preference) use the NetWare Migration Wizard ver 6.5. It will migrate NW5 to NW5, NW5.1, NW6, or NW6.5. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  12. yvfwc

    adding consoleone snapins

    During your install of GroupWise, in a screen called Administration Options, there is a check box for "Install Administration Files". After that you will get a screen for installing ConsoleOne and the directory that it will be installed in. If you installed in on the server, you can copy it over...
  13. yvfwc

    Groupwise 5.5 upgrade to Groupwise 6.5

    Your best bet is to get a copy of "GroupWise 6.5 Upgrade Guide" by Tay Kratzer & Danita Zanre from Caledonia Network Press. (http://www.caledonia.net) It is the best documentation I have ever found. My upgrade went like a breeze. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  14. yvfwc

    Abend Notification

    It works well on both 5.1 & 6.0. I have used it for a long while now. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  15. yvfwc

    block internal messages

    Just setup a rule. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  16. yvfwc

    Can't install NetWare 4.2 license

    Marv, Have you tried using NWAdmin to install the license? If this was anyone else I would ask if the license was good ;-D Cheers, Mark ;-)
  17. yvfwc

    Restoring deleted folder....urgent

    You cannot restore the folder itself, but the contents of the folder is in the deleted.sav system folder. You can salvage the files from there. Then you you must recreate the folder(s) and copy the files back in to them. Cheers, Mark ;-)
  18. yvfwc

    NW 5.0 and eDirectory

    Marv is correct. If you use the deployment manager it will prep your tree for 6.5. We are in the process of upgrading 20 sites to 6.5 and have NW4.2, NW5.1, NW6.0 & NW6.5 servers running DS6.21, DS8.85c and DS10550.98 (otherwise known as eDirectory 8.7.3) all in the same tree. (Not that I...
  19. yvfwc

    JAVA.NLM running at 98% CPU!!!! HELP!

    Are you running ConsoleOne on the server? If so it is a Big java hog. Unless you need it running all the time, remark out the startx command in autoexec.ncf. You can always start when needed. I would apply (at least) svc pack 5 or 6. I had no problems with either on the 24 servers I applied...
  20. yvfwc

    mailbox/library maintenamce Error

    Take a look at this: http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10065866.htm Cheers, Mark ;-)

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