Any one know a way to include a php file into an asp page or a asp file into a php page? I need to run both scripts I needed php's fopen functionallity but the base of the site is asp. Granted I could redo all the asp in php but that would not be as much fun as finding a way of including one...
I need a way of including a php page(after it runs not the source) in side a asp page or the other way around. I don't want to write out a new page then include that flate page because that would be bad for server preformance.
Any ideas?
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Ok... You know the footer that is appended to the bottom of any web page you print? Normally the url.
I want to get rid of the url and replace it with something else if possible can't seem to find any docs on it so might not be possible yet. Shouldn't be a security breach tho so hoping...
Does any one have any suggestions for a good jsp server for win nt5 for some one trying to learn to code jsp?
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There is a product call asp2dll that will do that for you...
it was designed to safegaurd your source code by changing it into a dll... only tried it on one site but it seems functional... you will probably want to go and clean up the code and look it over before you compile it... sorry I don't...
You are dealing with a type conversion problem... asp is a pain in the @#$ when it comes to types... all things being variant... if you know it should be a number do your best to use cint(expression) or clng(expression) to avoid that problem... because it is speratic... at best...
First off don't use an array for a session var... it can cause a gpf on the server.
Second in iis 5 a session can only stay open for 24 hours...
If you need information to be active aslong as the browser is open pass the info in cookies, or a database, or if needs be the hidden form you were...
Um.... no... Don't use the session object to store arrays...
Even microsoft knows that it can cause a gpf when the session expires...
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Actually Browserhawk does not work for that completely...
Tried it. It does the same thing I can do in javascript checking for the plugin...
I set up the system to do that... tried embeding a blank pdf document as well but can't find any event that is fired if that is successfully viewed...
Might want to check with the hosting company to make sure the database and the web server are on the same system if not have them set up the user to connect from either your machine at home if you have a static ip and the web server's ip or just the web server's ip address
- 15400
as in 15400 is double 7700 there for 15400 is greater then 7700... how is that confusing?
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sqlstmt = "Select * from tblproject WHERE '" & pname & "%' In (SELECT name FROM tblname WHERE area = '" & parea & "')"
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Ok... client side detection of adobe is cool for netscape but IE does not seem to support it.
I just want to put up a system requirements page that tests.
There is one at that does it but all server side.
The last things I need to check are ssl and adobe installed...
SSL i can do...
I know a little php and want to learn more... and the best way I can think of is to take some of the apps I have made and get them translated to php and then read it over... then try some new things with the knowledge I learn from that...
I had codecharge and it was ok... but left a lot to be...
The above method will work... but using the ! or(bang) method of accessing a database is the slowest method possible...
would be better to use .fields('YourField') = text1
But you could probably use an update command with better success.
Update <Tablename> set <field> = text1
Or create...
in addition to fenris you might want to note that you need sp6 on NT4 to use the date and time picker known as dtpicker
or package it with your app.
The best way is just to set the format inform the use what to input then validate it with the isdate function. as for setting it to datetime all...
On the function to the show of the dataform just pass another param a intMode as boolean or int if you ever invision something else on that app. So you can later have a select case for which stored proc to call.
Function initDataForm(params..., Optional intMode as integer)
'Your code to edit or...
I would check to make sure the db driver file is the right one.
And also make sure the connection string states exactly what driver it wants.
I have run into that type of problem with the ms sql server driver but not the sql 7.0 driver
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You are trying to just open the database?
If you are getting past cn.Open statement you have the connection made.
a record set expects a query... like a select statement not a database name.
rs.Open "Select * from $tablename", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
Do until rs.eof...
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