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Search results for query: *

  1. shweta

    Connecting to .NET Framework while on VPN

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this question on. I have a website set up on my local IIS. It is integrated with Visual Source Safe and uses SQL Server 2000. The VSS and SQL server reside on the network. It works fine when I'm at work. But when I try to VPN in from home...
  2. shweta

    Problem sending ASP pages

    Hi, I am running into a strange problem. We generate an ASP page, and if I click on File-->Send-->Page By Email, I get a message 'The current document type cannot be send by email. Would you like to send a shortcut instead?' This worked before when we were on IIS 5, now we are on IIS 6 on a...
  3. shweta

    Dropping/adding articles from a publication

    Hello, I had to make a schema change to one of the articles in a publication. The schema change was changing the datatype of a column from varchar to int. I dropped the article and made the datatype change on the publisher and subscriber, and then re-added the article in. I also changed the...
  4. shweta

    Distributed Transaction Error on Connection open

    Hi, Our webserver and database reside on different servers in the same LAN. For the past couple of days on pages that have the directive @Transaction=REQUIRED we have been getting the error Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8004d00a' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server...
  5. shweta

    Missing rows in sysmessages table

    Hi, Has anyone seen a case where some rows were missing from the sysmessages table? I am working on a SQL 2000 server, and I have only 3807 rows in the sysmessages table on this server whereas I have 3831 rows in the sysmessages table on other server with the same configuration. Thanks! Shweta
  6. shweta

    Counting active transactions

    Thanks!! That helped a lot!
  7. shweta

    Counting active transactions

    Hi, Does anyone know how I can get a total count of the active transactions on a database or sql server at a given time? Thanks Shweta
  8. shweta

    Rolling back transactions when page stops executing

    Hi, I have this code snippet on a page: <beginning of code> <%@ TRANSACTION = Required%> objConn.Execute sqlstmt if objCOnn.Errors.count>0 then ObjectContext.SetAbort <end of code> Now... if I lock the table thru the SQL query analyzer, and I try to execute an update on that table fom...
  9. shweta

    Remote transaction coordinator for MS DTC causing problems

    I am experiencing the exact same issue... does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!
  10. shweta

    Encryption/Decryption in .Net

    Thank you for your responses. As it turns out we did have to use the system.security objects to decrypt the data (which was, btw, encrypted using JCE and my question was how I could decrypt the data using .Net, not how I could use JCE in .Net). It took us some time but it was pretty...
  11. shweta

    Encryption/Decryption in .Net

    Hello, I am totally new to .Net. Is there a way to decrypt data encrypted by JCE using a private key in .Net? ANY help, preferably with code samples, would be great! Thanks in advance, shweta
  12. shweta

    Calling a JS function from a Popup

    Thanks... and I must admit at this point I am tempted to stop supporting NS altogether! mwolf00, I can't call the function from the popup because I load the popup from a lot of different pages so calling the loadOfficeID function in the opener allows me to do page specific processing. I did...
  13. shweta

    Calling a JS function from a Popup

    Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I am opening a window, and based on certain actions within the window, I call a function within the 'opener' to submit the form. The code for the function looks something like this: function loadOfficeID(vid,vName){...
  14. shweta

    Problem with window.open

    Right! Sorry about that... here's the JS code for the same. function winclose(str){ var oNewWin; oNewWin=window.open(&quot;test12.htm&quot;, &quot;myname&quot;); alert(oNewWin.name); oNewWin.focus() } And as for working on the NT and IE 5.5, as I mentioned before it works on every machine...
  15. shweta

    Problem with window.open

    Hello! I am having a very wierd problem with window.open all of a sudden. Consider this code snippet below to simulate my problem. Dim oNewWin Set oNewWin=window.open(&quot;test12.htm&quot;) msgbox(oNewWin.screenTop) The window is opened fine but then the msgbox statement spits out a script...
  16. shweta

    Runaway anonymous user connections

    Hi, We've been seeing a peculiar problem on our servers running IIS 5.0 and Windows 2000 Advanced server. Every so often, the number of anonymous user connections jumps up and goes on increasing from the normal average 50-60 to 1100+ within an hour. There's nothing in the log files to...
  17. shweta

    Has anyone got a Msg 604 while executing a query

    Hi, I am trying to do a select into across linked servers. For example SELECT * INTO DB1.dbo.Table1 FROM RemoteServer.DB1.dbo.Table1 I get the error Server: Msg 604, Level 21, State 5, Line 1 Could not find row in sysobjects for object ID 0 in database '0'. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on...
  18. shweta

    Variables within a #include

    Hi, Maybe this link will help http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q192/1/44.ASP -shweta
  19. shweta

    Generating Word documents from ASP

    Thanks DV! The thing is we do not want to use Crystal Reports for this. This is a document that the user can edit and then get a printable version in Word. Any other ideas?
  20. shweta

    Generating Word documents from ASP

    Hi, We need to generate a word document from an ASP page. I have tried by setting the Response.ContentType = &quot;application/msword&quot;. This works wonderfully on Word 2000, but doesn't work on Word 97, or at least that's what I think. Has anyone tried printing to Word 97 using this...

Part and Inventory Search
