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Search results for query: *

  1. JustinEzequiel

    Installing garageband on PC

    yep. my bad. did not read through. Apparently, an option is to install Mac OS on your machine. Here's one way to do that.
  2. JustinEzequiel

    Installing garageband on PC

    Have you seen this?
  3. JustinEzequiel

    Pointer to My Pictures folder

    odd... checked my "My Documents" folder which I see is a junction to the Documents folder. 05/12/2016 03:49 PM <JUNCTION> My Documents [C:\Users\jezequiel\Documents] "dir /ad" shows junctions to 3 folders including "My Pictures" Explorer does not show these. 05/12/2016 03:49 PM...
  4. JustinEzequiel

    Windows CMD Script

    @echo off setlocal for %%J in (*.zip) do @call :func %%~nJ goto :EOF :func set BAR=%1 set FOO=%BAR:_=.% echo on "D:\justin\portableapps\7-ZipPortable\App\7-Zip\7z.exe" a %BAR%.zip %FOO%_SUFFIX001.pdf @echo off goto :EOF
  5. JustinEzequiel

    Parse XML

    XPath support for row in root.findall('.//row[@CUSTOMER_ID]'): print(row.attrib.get('CUSTOMER_ID'), row.attrib.get('CUSTOMER_NAME'))
  6. JustinEzequiel

    Select file name in windows explorer

    See Link. basically, you just launch explorer.exe with the /select switch: e.g., Dim sh Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Call sh.Run("explorer.exe /select,""C:\Users\justin\Desktop\file 3.txt""")
  7. JustinEzequiel

    Python Code - Eliminate all the duplicated occurences

    above code should work faster if you change nd to a dict instead of a list searching for an item in a list takes takes linear time O(n). searching for an item in a dictionary requires constant time O(1).
  8. JustinEzequiel

    Connection to MySql error

    so basically, you are creating an instance of MySqlCommand via MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(dataA, true); I think you need to get the MySqlConnection object and pass that instead of true to the MySqlCommand constructor
  9. JustinEzequiel

    Connection to MySql error

    I have no idea what your returns but have you tried using (var conn = ConnConfig.getConnection()) { conn.Open(); // or .open() ... }
  10. JustinEzequiel

    Parse XML with XmlDocument

    try the following Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument() Dim namespaces As New XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable) namespaces.AddNamespace("ns", "urn:hl7-org:v3") xmlDoc.Load("C:\testXML.xml") Dim nodes As XmlNodeList =...
  11. JustinEzequiel

    Scheduled Tasks

    check this out
  12. JustinEzequiel

    retrieve source for py2exe application

    solved! see solution here
  13. JustinEzequiel

    retrieve source for py2exe application

    getting closer... following the code at build_exe.py of the py2exe package I got the following import inspect import marshal p = r"C:\Users\justin\Desktop\processdownloadedfiles_pythonscript_1.bin" f = open(p, 'rb') s = f.read() f.close() o = marshal.loads(s[17:-2]) print o code = o[-1] print...
  14. JustinEzequiel

    retrieve source for py2exe application

    Greetings all, We're trying to retrieve the code for an old python 2.4 program that was converted into a single-file executable using py2exe. Programmer left without updating the files in SVN. Using Seven Zip, I was able to retrieve from the .EXE file the *.pyo files for the imported modules...
  15. JustinEzequiel

    Windows &amp; Microsoft applications crashing

    perhaps try the switches here Command-line switches - Outlook
  16. JustinEzequiel

    Windows &amp; Microsoft applications crashing

    for what it's worth. something similar happened to me when I first got Windows 7. what "fixed" it for Excel (for me, YMMV) was to turn off add-ins so I changed my start menu shortcut to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE" /s /automation
  17. JustinEzequiel

    RDP - Delete key sends alt-ctrl-del

    shot in the dark: "sticky keys?
  18. JustinEzequiel

    Defining Userprofile in script

    Else Return = WshShell.Run("[highlight #FCE94F]""[/highlight]" & UserProfilePath & "\Desktop\file.exe[highlight #FCE94F]""[/highlight]", 1)

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