Have you tried using the sendfile method?
Sub Main()
Dim Sys As Object, Sess As Object
Set Sys = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Set Sess = Sys.ActiveSession
Sess.FileTransferScheme = "Text Default"
Sess.FileTransferHostOS = 0 '0 = CMS
Sent = Sess.SendFile("c:\test.txt","test text")...
I am having trouble running macros from Extra PC 6.4. Ocassionally the macro will run fine. Other times it will start to run, and freeze my computer. I have tried it on other computers with the same Extra version. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, are there any solutions. Thanks
I am looking for suggestions on how to handle the error above. In my application, my code loops while the oia.xstatus <>0, and then waits for a specific string (waitforstring method). Occassionally the string never shows up (an unexpected error). After waiting for a while, an error shows up...
I am trying to have the default value of an inputbox equal the value of the last answer of the inputbox. For example:
Static DefaultAccount
dim question as string
question = inputbox("What account?",,DefaultAccount)
This first time the macro is ran it should...
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