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Search results for query: *

  1. spartansFC

    Display Year between 2 dates

    Hi I have a table which shows a dteYear based off dteSessionDates but it's showing the wrong year, all i'm doing at the moment to get the year is: dteYear: Format([dteSessionDates],"yyyy") The above isn't correct and giving off some wrong dates 03/10/2023 = 2023 (which is correct)...
  2. spartansFC

    Combo Box (Don't show value in selection if already in use)

    I think you're right that i do need to add a status to each PermitNo but i'm still not sure how that would work or where do i add the status. When a user is entering a new parking permit, they select the permit no via a combo box, then i somehow have to attach the status there I'm so confused...
  3. spartansFC

    Combo Box (Don't show value in selection if already in use)

    Hi I'm trying to add a parking permit form to my database, each person is given a unique parking permit number which can be handed back in and then handed out to another person. If a parking permit is already in use i don't want the combo box to show it, i can't think of a way to do it. The...
  4. spartansFC

    Combo Box Search 2nd SubForm

    Thanks for the help Andy, it was a quick fix in the end, don't know why i didn't think of it. in the combo box i had SELECT tblBookings.lngPeopleID, tblInvoices.lngBookingID, tblInvoices.lngInvoiceID, tblInvoices.strInvoiceNo FROM tblBookings INNER JOIN tblInvoices ON tblBookings.lngBookingID...
  5. spartansFC

    Combo Box Search 2nd SubForm

    Hi The main set up of the database is: MainForm: frmCustomers, tblCustomers, lngPeopleID (PK) Subform1: frmCustomersBookings Subform, tblBookings, lngBookingID (PK), lngPeopleID(FK) Subform2: frmCustomerslInvoices Subform, tblInvoices, lngInvoiceID (PK), lngBookingID (FK) I've got 3 search...
  6. spartansFC

    Open a new blank sub form record connected to main form

    Hi Duane It does work, on the OnClose event i have Forms!frmCustomers![frmCustomersBookings Subform].Form.Requery This seems to do the trick
  7. spartansFC

    Open a new blank sub form record connected to main form

    I really appreciate your help Duane. Thanks so much
  8. spartansFC

    Open a new blank sub form record connected to main form

    Hi I'm trying to open a new blank record for data entry linked to whatever person/record i'm on. For example, i if i want to add new bookings to record 1 (lngPeopleID). I should just be able to click on the new booking command button, the form should open with the correct lngPeopleID with...
  9. spartansFC

    Len, Val(Mid)

    thread702-1705763 Hi the above thread was closed and I think Duane mentioned that there would be a problem when some dates that have 1 or 2 characters at the start. On the attached image i'm having problems showing the correct values as some dates have 1 character and some have 2 at the...
  10. spartansFC

    Conditional Formatting of a string

    Thanks for your help again Duane, got the report to colour code things
  11. spartansFC

    Conditional Formatting of a string

    to be fair, i'm not sure what i'm doing. i was trying to use your crosstab query you helped me with a while ago which works perfectly, the full query i'm using for this new problem is: TRANSFORM Min([FundedDesc]) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Min([lngSessionTypesID]) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) &...
  12. spartansFC

    Conditional Formatting of a string

    Hi I'm trying to colour code a text box based off values in a string. the string value in the query looks like Val: Min([lngSessionTypesID]) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Min([strRepValue]) this outputs values 25 B2 how do I get it to colour the text box based off of a string value which might be...
  13. spartansFC

    Show all records from Query A even if no matching records in Query B

    So somehow i managed to get it to work, there's always a workaround i find in access, anyways my solution was in query: qryBooking8StudentWeeklyCosts, the SQL looks like: SELECT qryBooking3Calculations.lngChildID, qryBooking3Calculations.FinYrGrouping, tblPeople.strForename...
  14. spartansFC

    Show all records from Query A even if no matching records in Query B

    Hi So i copied and pasted the new sql query, the results are below. It still doesn't list all 52 weeks, i even tried changing the query slightly but nothing seemed to work lngChildID FinYrGrouping S.strWklyStudentCostsWkNo C.strWklyStudentCostsWkNo strWklyStudentCosts SumOfChargeableSessions...
  15. spartansFC

    Show all records from Query A even if no matching records in Query B

    Hi I need to show calculated fees for all 52 weeks of the year, if there are no fees for a certain week, i need to show a zero for that week. my first query lists the weeks, the SQL is: SELECT tblDates.FinYrGrouping, tblDates.strWklyStudentCostsWkNo, tblDates.strWklyStudentCosts FROM tblDates...
  16. spartansFC

    Show matching records for today's date

    Hi I've created a nursery database which records a daily record of a child's attendance, this includes dteSessionDates, ysncurrentsession, there's a few more fields but these ones are the most important for my problem. i currently show on a form the current information for the child via the...
  17. spartansFC

    Return a value based off childs DOB falling between 2 dates

    okay, so the terms are Summer - 01.04 to 31.08 Autumn - 01.09 to 31.12 Spring - 01.01 to 31.03 So in the test data of 29.01.13, the child turned 3 in Spring so would receive funding in the summer term after. in the output, there is a 1 next to 01.04.16 but there's also a 1 next to 01.05.15...
  18. spartansFC

    Return a value based off childs DOB falling between 2 dates

    Hi I've managed to do this problem in excel but i need to convert it onto access. The problem is i need to return a 1 when a child hits a certain date grouping. A child at a nursery will receive funding the term after they turn 3 so for example if a childs's date of birth is: 29.01.2016...
  19. spartansFC

    On form close, stay on current record on continuous form

    The main reason for trying to open the form to the individual person via lngPeopleID is that after i've updated the person's details and close the form, there is an onclose event, i requery frmChildList and a few other forms which moves back to the first record on the ChildList whereas i would...
  20. spartansFC

    On form close, stay on current record on continuous form

    I think we're getting somewhere. The command button on frmChildren opens up frmFamilyCentre which is a bound form to tblFamily, primary key is lngFamilyID, on this form is the subform frmFamilyCentreSub1AddNewFamily which is bound to tblPeople, primary key = lngPeopleID, foreign key is...

Part and Inventory Search
