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Search results for query: *

  1. cdraycott

    MG-SOFT mib Browser - Table View.

    topclass8205, If you are using WinSnmp which I think you are jugding by the function call you mention, then you should use the return code of SNMP_SYNTAX_ENDOFMIBVIEW in your response in the variable binding.
  2. cdraycott

    OIDs translations for (Compaq HP NC373i adapter)

    esterix. The data you are looking for is contained within the CPQNIC-MIB file and the entries are part of the cpqNicIfPhysAdapterTable. You can find details here: http://www.oidview.com/mibs/232/CPQNIC-MIB.html
  3. cdraycott

    SNMP Object

    azwa66, You need to perform an SNMP request of the sysObjectID for the agent/device you want to know about. This sysObjectID definition is as follows: The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI...
  4. cdraycott

    Verification of only valid ASCII Characters in Input Buffer

    cpjust, jbs mentioned that he wanted to see CR and LF so that is why i suggested __isascii
  5. cdraycott

    Verification of only valid ASCII Characters in Input Buffer

    jbs, Not sure how efficient but you could loop for all characters in the array and check for __isascii which returns a true for ascii char and false if not. Hope this helps
  6. cdraycott

    CArray error

    MarcoMB, Th reason this is not working for you is because CArray supports collections of objects of any type and not object pointers. If you want to store object pointers in a template collection class you need to use CTypedPtrArray. Hope this helps
  7. cdraycott

    Help rounding to two decimal places

    p1kn1c, Here is a possible answer: http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/significant_figures.asp
  8. cdraycott

    OID questions

    snickered, Just for clarification: The MIB items that are accessed by using .0 at the end are SCALAR MIB items which basically means they are single entities or items. E.g. sysName. There is only one of them. For the other items you talk about accessed by .1 .2 .3 etc. These are SNMP table...
  9. cdraycott

    problem with text files

    TGather, Try this line in place of your fscanf line: while (((fscanf(fin,"%50s",wordtxtfile))!=EOF) This will limit the number of characters copied into wordtextfile to the size of the character array. It may be that you are going past the array size.
  10. cdraycott

    problem with text files

    TGather, It looks like you are opening the first file then trying to open it again before closing it. You need the fclose(fin) before you call the second fopen. Apart from that though you are also trying to do an fscanf after you have called fclose. This will never work. You need to do the...
  11. cdraycott

    display double with string in MFC

    Heres how you could do it: double a=1.00; double b=2.00; double c=3.00; char szData[100]; sprintf(szData,"%f plus %f equal to %f",a,b,c); AfxMessageBox(szData);
  12. cdraycott

    Trying to get an IConnectionPoint pointer

    Prattaratt, Doesnt look like anything is wrong with your code. I would make sure that the TAPI is correctly installed and initialised in the application using the Initialize() function.
  13. cdraycott

    drawitem in clistctrl

    Lorey, Check this out for what you need http://www.codeproject.com/listctrl/ColoredListCtrl.asp
  14. cdraycott

    VC 6.0 IDE got slower

    ionutdinulescu, The only time i have noticed this sort of thing happening is when I had a load of windows open in the IDE at once and they had thousands of line in them. Just a thought.
  15. cdraycott

    'CComPtr' : use of class template requires template argum

    sunijam, i would need to see source code here. It looks like there may be some syntactical errors here as well as errors relating to CComPtr.
  16. cdraycott

    GetOpenFileName Directory Locking

    softwarescience, Here is a Topic in a newsgroup that relates to CFileDialog and has encountered the same as you are getting. I think CFileDialog uses GetOpenFileName underneath so some of the solutions in this thread should be appropriate...
  17. cdraycott

    'CComPtr' : use of class template requires template argum

    sunijam, Are you using Embedded Visual C++? If so then does this help at all? http://www.pocketpcdn.com/articles/_com_issue_error.html
  18. cdraycott

    Navigating trough List View

    ...message handler gets called will be the one you are interested in. So for example the code would now be: void CTest1Dlg::OnItemchangedList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; if (pNMListView->uNewState != 0) { m_szEdit =...
  19. cdraycott

    Navigating trough List View

    ...classwizard and add a function for the CListCtrl for that message. Then in the function put the following: void CTest1Dlg::OnItemchangedList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; m_szEdit =...
  20. cdraycott

    explicit linking

    Adoozer, It needs to be: "VerQueryValueA

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