Hi, my name is Alejandro, I have 6 Oracle Workstation terminals with Windows 8.1 operating system, the terminals came without an SSD disk, therefore I require an image of the operating system for them to work. Would it be possible that you have that image and would like to share it? Thank you...
Hi (Hola en español) I have 6 WS6 610 with Windows 8.1, I will be grateful if you share the two images, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, or any of these. Thanks in advance.
My email is alejandro.pvso@megared.net.mx
Hello good evening:
In MICROS 9700 we have a program that allows us to export MENU ITEM PRICE to a text file.
This text file allows us to change item prices, and then import that data into the MICROS 9700.
The question is, is there a utility or script to do that in Simphony?
Thanks for your...
Hi, Alejandro Guerrero:
I have a lot of BIOS or GR Update
Tomorrow I will check and I send you versions.
I use those terminals for MICROS 3700 and 9700
Alejandro Guerrero:
Que version de 9700 tienen?
Si la terminal tiene SSD? entonces tiene Windows POS, pero si tiene Windows CE y Compact Flash entonces se puede conectar a 9700.
Informacion y te ayudo
Hello again, Alexander.
If you need manuals for any version of MICROS please say and if I have it I will send it to you free of charge.
Models 451, 470, 4700, 8700, 2400, 9700.
Hello my name is Alejandro Guerrero.
For more than 40 years I have worked with MICROS equipment, now I am faced with the problem of repairing the motherboard of the WS5a terminal version ABRF49-XX. Most of the problems are solved by removing and installing the circuits by cold welding. But now...
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