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  1. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    No problem..... thanks for going through so much trouble anyway! Greetings, Rick
  2. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    But with what? I mean, I have Actual Window Tools, my collegue has another virtual desktop manager (of which I don't know the name). This problem exists on 3 entirely different pc's, two being windows 7 and one windows vista; two being mine (which you could argue have the same software...
  3. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    It doesn't get in an error because if I put something like below, it does get to the next line of code. Indeed it is cancelled, the question is why...... if dlg.ShowModal(me)=DialogResult.Cancel then 'it will get to this line of code end if Greetings, Rick
  4. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    Yep that' a typo indeed...... Anyway, the form in my vb test project doesn't have any buttons; it's an empty form doing nothing (except closing when I switch desktop.... :) ) Greetings, Rick
  5. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    Mansii thanks for going to all that trouble. I recreated the problem a very basic VB app. this is hte mainform, calling the popup: <Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to...
  6. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    Yeah, I thought about such "crappy" workarounds as well, but it is a hell of a lot of forms you need to attack with that, taking into acocunt that the form might be otherwise closed (such as in code) etc etc. Bottom line, I'm afraid, is that there's no real fix for this other than going back to...
  7. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    Hi Sorwen thanks for your reply. I thoght about posting it in c# as well, but it isnt really c# related and didn't wnat to cross post. VB behaves exactly the same, it's just that currently I'm working on a c# app that the example code is c#... Anyway: Yes, it's setup to do a close on cancel...
  8. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    Yes, the dlgDatabase form has accept and cancel buttons set. But other forms where this occurs do not have those buttons set. Also, there are no other events hooked to the form itself: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using...
  9. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    By the way: I grabbed this from a C# app, but the exact same lines in VB.NET cuase the exact same problem.... Greetings, Rick
  10. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    There is really nothing special about that and it happens with every modal dialogbox in every dotnet app. An xample would be: using (dlgDatabase dlg = new dlgDatabase(Connection.CurrentConnectionString)) { if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.Cancel) { //Do something after cancel...
  11. LazyMe

    Modal Dialogbox disappearing when switching to other virtual desktop

    Hi, I'm using Actual Windows Manager which has a virtual desktop switcher and a collegue of mine uses another virtual desktop manager (of which I don't know the name). Both of us have the exact same problem: I show a modal dialog from my dotnet app (ShowModal(me/this)) and when I switch from my...
  12. LazyMe

    Comvisible and &quot;Class not Registered&quot; error

    HI thanks for your response. Yes I re-regeasm-ed with the /codebase attribute. I have the path in the registry now, which sould allow me to remove the assembly from the cache. However, it did not solve my problem. But no, I did not check the Register for COM interop. I figured regasm would...
  13. LazyMe

    Comvisible and &quot;Class not Registered&quot; error

    Hi, I've created a C# executable with one class being comvisible. I've executed regasm on the excutable and got a valid typelibrary and also the registry settings seem to have been correctly entered. Still, I can't create an object out of the excutable. VB gives me the well-known "activeX...
  14. LazyMe

    OLE DB connection to GUPTA SQLBase 9.0.1

    Hi all, I've installed the GUPTA SQLBase 9.0.1 server on my machine and can connect to the ISLAND database with SQL Talk without any problems. However, I've been trying to figure out how to make an ADO connection to this database for two days now without any success. Both the ODBC connection...
  15. LazyMe

    Help speed up this VB6 code

    I doubt that ADO will be faster agains an Access database then DAO. I would even state that DAO will be faster in this case...... Greetings, Rick
  16. LazyMe

    Please help with GetFileTime

    Or you can just us the GetDateFormat() API Greetings, Rick
  17. LazyMe

    How many string types do you guys need?

    BSTR!=WCHAR* : #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(OLE2ANSI) typedef WCHAR OLECHAR; #else typedef char OLECHAR; #endif typedef OLECHAR* BSTR; So BSTR is either WCHAR* or char*. Furthermore when used for what it is actually to be used for (COM strings), BSTR!=OLECHAR*, since the BSTR is...
  18. LazyMe

    MSComm (input command)

    First off: The way you have coded the on comm method is going to result in loss of data. You have specified the rxthreshold at 1. This means that on every character that arives at the port an event will be generated. Since your data probably exists of more than one character and it probably...
  19. LazyMe

    creating an instance of an ActiveX control

    ...which are also ActiveX controls Greetings, Rick
  20. LazyMe

    Making system configuration changes with C++

    More specific; ShellExecute or CreateProcess Greetings, Rick

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