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Search results for query: *

  1. atjurhs

    making a file a true csv file

    in the outputfile that I get, some of the lines begin with a , and some don't. obviouswly this makes manipulating the data by columns tricky. so I added another sed search-and-replace statement that would delete a coma if it was at the beginning of a line: sed 's/ //g;s/,,*/,/g;s/^,//g'...
  2. atjurhs

    making a file a true csv file

    yep, it's actually very easy in sed, I should have thought of that
  3. atjurhs

    making a file a true csv file

    Thank you Tabitha!
  4. atjurhs

    making a file a true csv file

    Hi guys, I need a little help.... I have a file with columns of data that has varied amounts of spaces and comas in between each column of data. Some of the columns contain no data, just separated by multiple spaces and comas. Other columns do have data that may of may not be separated by...
  5. atjurhs

    help with batching a sed script and an awk script

    oh great! I'll use this format for later batching stuff, thanks soooo much, Tabitha
  6. atjurhs

    help with batching a sed script and an awk script

    the input files look like this run on inputfile_A_1.out inputfile_B_1.out > outputfile1.txt then on inputfile_A_2.out inputfile_B_2.out > outputfile2.txt and inputfile_A_3.out inputfile_B_3.out > outputfile3.txt like that thanks sooo much, tabitha
  7. atjurhs

    help with batching a sed script and an awk script

    I figured out how to do the batch of the sed sript on both inputfile 1 and 2, can someone please help me with batching the awk script or batching all three.
  8. atjurhs

    help with batching a sed script and an awk script

    Hi, Hi guys :) I've got both a sed and an awk that I need to run on hundreds of files, each sone works perfectly on a single file, but I need help getting each of them to run in batch mode, here they are: sed -n 'g;n;p' inputfile.txt | sed '/\,/s/\,//g' > inputfile.out awk...
  9. atjurhs

    how do I append a string to the output file name? many thanks!

    It works perfectly! Thanks sooo much for all your help! Next, I'm going to try to use data from a different file (called L102.txt) that contains two columns of data to use as filtering criteria in the MRAC.txt file. The L102.txt file has data in one column that I know the values that I want...
  10. atjurhs

    how do I append a string to the output file name? many thanks!

    so there are a couple of steps that I do, first I run a find command: find /svr_ardvark/home/tabitha/my_data/08042012/ -name MRAC.txt > list_of_paths_to_MRAC_files.txt and this gives me: /svr_ardvark/home/tabitha/my_data/08042012/S-T-3-001-F_2012/MRAC.txt...
  11. atjurhs

    how do I append a string to the output file name? many thanks!

    ut oh, somethings not right??? when I echo $inputfile I get back what I expect: /home/tabitha/my_data/S-T-3-001-F_2012_08_16/inputFile.txt /home/tabitha/my_data/W-B-7-011-3_2012_08_15/inputFile.txt /home/tabitha/my_data/BA-Z-Y-011-A_081512/inputFile.txt when I echo $output file I get...
  12. atjurhs

    how do I append a string to the output file name? many thanks!

    Thanks Annihilannic! Thanks so munch, it works great! Except I need the script to loop over a text file that contains several hundred paths and inputFile.txt, like: /home/tabitha/my_data/S-T-3-001-F_2012_08_16/inputFile.txt /home/tabitha/my_data/W-B-7-011-3_2012_08_15/inputFile.txt...
  13. atjurhs

    how do I append a string to the output file name? many thanks!

    Hi guys, I'm hoping that you have someone here has good unix shell programming skills. I've written a code that parses/processes hundreds of input files one at a time and that can be as large as a Gbyte using AWK and some shell scripting. It runs very fast for the amount of data it's running...
  14. atjurhs

    awk newbie trying to use getline find for loop Tabby

    whoooops, it almost worked, one of the lower directories has a space in its name something like /home/Tabitha/girly1/wanted_file not_in_here/ <------ so there's a space between "file not" is there an easy way to fix this? thanks sooooo much, Tabby
  15. atjurhs

    awk newbie trying to use getline find for loop Tabby

    PHV that worked perfectly, thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much!
  16. atjurhs

    awk newbie trying to use getline find for loop Tabby

    PHV, what's your name, mine is Tabitha but I go by Tabby you probably new that :)
  17. atjurhs

    awk newbie trying to use getline find for loop Tabby

    Hi PHV, thank you soooo much for helping me out!!!! I'm an intern just from USC and a business major, so I really really have all most no experience with this kinda stuff and I soooo much appreciate your help!!!! My "boss/manager" suggested that I do this with AWK or SED and he handed me an...
  18. atjurhs

    awk newbie trying to use getline find for loop Tabby

    Hello guys, I've been trying to write an awk script that reads a text file that contains directory paths (I'll call it "path.txt") what's inside path.txt is a listing of directory structures something like this: /home/Tabitha/girly1/ <--- the wanted file "redhead.txt" is...

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