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  1. fatmcgav

    Issues with MSTP on HP Procurves

    Unfortunately I don't know much about the upstream network, other than they've got multiple layers of distribution and core switches. I can also confirm that the Firewall is responsible for any inter-VLAN routing. It would also appear that the Cisco switches have recently been configured to...
  2. fatmcgav

    Issues with MSTP on HP Procurves

    VinceWhirlwind Cheers for the info. The network as it stands looks like this: Unfortunately I'm not a networking expert, so am not sure what constitutes best practise for Spanning Tree design. I also agree that the core is far from ideal, and we're planning on changing the core next year...
  3. fatmcgav

    Issues with MSTP on HP Procurves

    Hi there, We're experiencing some network anomalies with our current HP Procurve switches... We've got a Core/Distribution layout, which uses a pair of HP 2910al-24G at the core, with a Trunk pair of 1Gb Ethernet between them. The relevant spanning-tree config looks like: SWITCH01...
  4. fatmcgav

    Procurve Networking Weirdness

    AS an update to this, we had a very successful day yesterday. Rebuilt the core switches from the ground up, creating the necessary VLANs, changed the primary, set up trunk uplink ports on the stack, assigned the necessary spanning tree priorities to the switches, plugged in the uplink cables...
  5. fatmcgav

    Procurve Networking Weirdness

    Ok, as a quick update to this, we're going to try and re-configure the network tomorrow, using the same VLAN IDs as the supplier is using, and pass both VLANs through the uplink cables. We're also going to try and configure some Spanning Tree priorites for our core stack. However i'm in 2...
  6. fatmcgav

    Procurve Networking Weirdness

    Config's are available here: ACT-STAR-SW01 - www.card.co.uk/files/ACT-STAR-SW01.txt ACT-STAR-SW02 - www.card.co.uk/files/ACT-STAR-SW02.txt Some of the initial suggestions from the supplier is a Spanning Tree issue... They're a Cisco house though so not familiar with the HP kit... I'll see...
  7. fatmcgav

    Procurve Networking Weirdness

    Attached is a network layout diagram... Woops, DMZ1 & DMZ2 are the suppliers naming... DMZ1 is the DMZ Subnet (172.16) and DMZ2 is the Prod Subnet (10.0)http://www.card.co.uk/files/Network%20Layout.pdf
  8. fatmcgav

    Procurve Networking Weirdness

    HI there, We are experiencing some weird issues with our ProCurve network setup... We have 2x 2910al-24G switches which form our Core network stack. These are split into 2 Port-based VLANS. VLAN 1 = Production, Tagged P1-2, Untagged P3-16. VLAN 2 = DMZ, Tagged P1-2, Untagged P3-16. Port 1...
  9. fatmcgav

    Routing and Stacking Procurve 2910al's...

    HI there, We are in the process of configuring 3 2910al-24's in a new deployment as our core network stack. We've configured the 3 switches as follows: Switch 1 - Default gateway for all devices: Default VLAN (ID 1) - Ports 1-4, IP DMZ VLAN (ID 2) - Ports 1-2 & 13-20, IP...

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