I have the following array and embedded structure :
changedPracticeAreas = arrayNew(1);
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(SortedPA)#" index="Item">
<cfset changedPracticeAreas[Item] = structNew()>
I am having trouble assigning the current user to a control. I am using access front end and sql backend.
I want to have a control do something based on who the user is. In access I can use currentuser(). This usually gives me Admin. I can also insert the current sql server user into a...
I was wondering if anyone knew how I could set up security so that it would record in a table the name of the user making changes.
I have an access front end and a sql server backend.
Hi Everyone,
I have a subform in a form and I have linked the child and master fields with the same field. Now what I want to do is reference the child field in a SQL query
i.e. SELECT * From students where students.familyid = subform.familyid but I can't seemt to get the system to do it.
I don't think the problem is that he is searching for 0, but if he puts in zero then he gets all the results but they are wrong. As in he gets a list of all the employees as assigned to all of the projects.
The best way to do this is to create a lookup table that combines the employee_id from...
Why don't you use the ToString function
So your code would be something like
AND ToString(employees.id) IN projects.employee_id.
Might not work, but worth a try
Have you tried printing out your application and session structures when someone has logged in to see if HRAppname is a session variable?
Create yourself a dummy account and put some debugging in your application.cfm to output your session structure and if the Session.HRAppname is not...
Have you seen the certification test on Ben Forta's website www.forta.com. This is a good example. Still waiting for ben to release the code(if he will)
<--- get directory info --->
I think you actually need the directory to be a directory name so it should probably be :
<--- get directory info...
The first cfset <cfset count=
Looks for the first instance of the tag </font> in the html of the file you got. Then it returns the position value of that tag plus 7. So it finds the position directly after the first </font> tag.
The second cfset <cfset count2=
is the same, but it looks for the...
You could try writing to a file.
<cfhttp url="http://xxxxx/faq_template.cfm" method="GET" resolveurl="false"></cfhttp>
<cffile action="WRITE" file="d:\www\xxxxx\inde.htm" output="#CFHTTP.FileContent#">
Then you can Read the new...
I have two tables each of the same format. I need them to be sseparate as they deal with forms at different stages of their life cycle. <br><br>Now I want to be able to move data from one table to another<br><br>Any ideas??
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