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Overclocking Geforce

Multimedia Hardware

Overclocking Geforce

by  Ma3x323  Posted    (Edited  )
First you need the registry:

The registry should be found by right clicking on screen -> Active Desktop -> Customize -> Settings -> Advanced -> Geforce2 tab -> Additional Properties. There should be a new tab on Properties for the card.

Increment by 5mhz at a time and test it. If it messes up the system, then return to old settings.

Please limit to the slider. If you want more then do the following:
For Creative drivers:
Double click on the end of slider
For ASUS drivers:
File for Win9x:
File for Win2K:

Overclock the memory more than the cpu as to prevent the chip from burning. Use benchmarking utilities to see what the peak settings is to have the best performance of your card.

Most of this are from http://www.geforcefaq.com
I just did this so you don't need to go there.
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