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How can I get my Geforce based card and VIA chipset motherboard to 4X AGP?

How can I get my Geforce based card and VIA chipset motherboard to 4X AGP?

by  SSGClark  Posted    (Edited  )
To get your geforce based video card to 4X AGP you need to follow these steps **

1. Have version 5 and later Nvidia drivers for video card.

2. Have version 4.24 or higher version installed of the VIA 4 in 1 drivers for your motherboard ( found here: http://www.via.com.tw/support/index.htm )

3. Reboot computer and set AGP to 1X in bios ("normal" not "optimal" setting in my bios)

4. Download Geforcetweak 0.71 at: http://www.demonews.com/files/tweaks/graphics/geforcetweakutility.asp (direct link to file is here: http://guru3d.com/geforcetweakutility/geforcetweak.zip )

5. Unzip and run Geforce Tweak program

6. In program clicked enable 4X (there are alot of goodies in that program =)

7. Reboot and again enable 4X AGP in BIOS

Now you are good to go =) You can check what AGP setting you are at using software such as Powerstrip. You can get a free demo version of Powerstrip and other utilities here: http://www.entechtaiwan.com/

** Use 3rd party programs at own risk, I am merely writing this FAQ to state what I have done to get my system to run at AGP 4X speed with the expensive card that I paid hard earned money on and wanted it to run at 4X speed like the manufacture said it would =)
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