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My Palm no longer syncs

Resolving Issues

My Palm no longer syncs

by  BeerGood  Posted    (Edited  )
This can be caused by a bad serial port on the Palm or workstation, or by incorrectly configured software, but you will usually get an error message that will point you towards the cause of the issue - if not exactly resolving it.

Unfortunately I had a problem for ages with my V not syncing properly. Could not work out how to fix it, other than doing a hard reset and wiping everything. The problem started after using the Lotus Notes conduit software. When running a sync, no errors would be reported but address book and calendar info would not be exchanged. Notes, tasks etc would transfer just fine, though. Very frustrating. I tried deleting all the info on my palm's address book, and forced an overwrite from the desktop, but still no joy. The answer? Well, for me (may not work for you) was to get a copy of Z'Catalog from http://www.eblong.com/zarf/zcatalog.html and then delete the following files:


Sync'd without a problem then. One very happy camper. Warning - be careful not to delete anything else unless you know *exactly* what you're doing. Also, I would strongly recommend you backup as much as you can before doing this (even if it means - shudder - manually writing down important names/dates/etc just in case something goes wrong). Also, this fixes issues only for people who have had issues after using EasySync. I understand (although of course I haven't tested this) that if you have issues with TrueSync you may be able to fix it by deleting:


More info can be found at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3216/faq_pg19.htm

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