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Configure backup_exit_notify to duplicate a particular policy/schedule's backup upon backup exit.

Command Line

Configure backup_exit_notify to duplicate a particular policy/schedule's backup upon backup exit.

by  Qdog  Posted    (Edited  )

1. Add following lines to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/backup_exit_notify script after the 8 'echo' statements:
[color green]
############begin custom edits#############
if [ "$5" -gt 1 ]


exit 1



if [ "$2" = "laptopTest" ]


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpduplicate -dstunit DSU_vault -dp NetBackup -client laptop -policy laptopTest -sl FullNoSched -hoursago 2 -rl 3 -fail_on_error 0 -set_primary 0 -primary -number_copies 1 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/dup.log

############end custom edits###############
NOTE: The backup_exit_notify script is called by the bpsched process on the master upon the exit of any backup job. The first 4 lines exit the script if the job status is anything other than 0 or 1. The next line says if the policy name of the backup is 'laptopTest', then run a duplicate. The bpduplicate command specifies to make a copy of any images written in the last 2 hours for client 'laptop' in policy 'laptopTest' and schedule 'FullNoSched'.

Entire script:

#* $VRTScprght: Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved $ *

# backup_exit_notify.sh
# This script is called by the NetBackup scheduler, after an individual
# client backup has completed (including media closure and image db validation.
# NOTE: this script will always be run in "background" mode, meaning that
# the NetBackup scheduler will NOT wait for it's completion.
# This script:
# receives 5 parameters:
# CLIENT - the client hostname
# POLICY - the policy label
# SCHEDULE - the schedule label
# SCHEDULE_TYPE - the type of schedule: FULL INCR UBAK UARC
# STATUS - the backup status for this job
# STREAM - the backup stream number for this job
# must be executable by the root user
# should exit with 0 upon successful completion


# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# main script starts here
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

umask 022

if [ "$#" -lt 6 ]
echo `date` "backup_exit_notify expects at least 6 parameters: $*" >> $OUTF
exit 1

# You may want to delete the output file elsewhere in order to
# accumulate successful backup information.
# If so, comment out the following 4 lines.
if [ -s $OUTF ]
/bin/rm -rf $OUTF

if [ ! -f $OUTF ]
touch $OUTF

echo `date` " POLICY: $2" >> $OUTF
echo `date` " SCHEDULE: $3" >> $OUTF
echo `date` "SCHEDULE TYPE: $4" >> $OUTF
echo `date` " STATUS: $5" >> $OUTF
echo `date` " STREAM: $6" >> $OUTF
echo `date` "-----------------------------" >> $OUTF

# might want to mail this info to someone
# cat $OUTF | mail -s "NetBackup backup exit" someone_who_cares
[color green]
############begin custom edits#############
if [ "$5" -gt 1 ]
exit 1
if [ "$2" = "laptopTest" ]

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpduplicate -dstunit DSU_vault -dp NetBackup -client laptop -policy laptopTest -sl FullNoSched -hoursago 2 -rl 3 -fail_on_error 0 -set_primary 0 -primary -number_copies 1 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/dup.log

############end custom edits###############
exit 0
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